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Any more news on Plus now that weā€™re close to the release date?

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Freetrade has 200,000 users, this ā€œcommunityā€ has 2000 active users a month. I assume most users donā€™t even know this community exists, never mind the stock specific threadsā€¦

Full share, or fractional - doesnā€™t matter.

Whatā€™s the mentioned release date for plus?

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We donā€™t need an elite system. What we need is an elite system. :laughing:

I actually think there should be a sub forum just for Founding Investors.

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As a founding member I disagree.I donā€™t like the idea of excluding people because they couldnā€™t afford a large enough investment to get Founding Member. An Freetrade investors sub forum would be acceptable, though not sure what it would be used for though



Four legs good!

I think it should be this summer, theyā€™re testing it internally at the moment, donā€™t think we have a precise date as yet:

Iā€™ve had massive issues with this during trading very volatile stocks with lower volumes during the recent frothiness. I get that batching trades is a part of the business model but some of the price lags/big spread Iā€™ve seen have caused some inadvertently poor decisions.

Iā€™m aware Freetrade has a sticking plaster on this one in the sense that itā€™s made (relatively) clear that itā€™s for taking long term positions. The issue with this is that making an app thatā€™s got a UI and UX designed for habitual performance checking and instant buying/selling behaviour due to no fees, inherently drives behaviours towards short termism more than anything else.


Move money available in ISA straight in to the basic account and vice versa without ever exiting the app?

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