AMC Entertainment - AMC - Share Chat

My shares of APE are now showing and are in my account


Yep. Got mine too :slight_smile:


So what happens now then ? I have the same amount of shares for AMC and APE now showing. Will the AMC be cancelled out shortly ?

I’ve got my APE in my GIA but not in my ISA. Any one got them in their ISA yet?

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No, you will keep both the AMC and APE shares that you currently have.

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Brilliant. Thanks for that mate. Much appreciated.


Got mine in my gia and sipp today :relaxed:


Hi, I have just logged in to my account, I did have 55 shares of AMC as well as other securities.

Now I have been issued 55 APE shares and all my other investments have been sold for cash as of the 23rd August. I have not been in this account to sell and I now no longer hold the 55 shares of AMC I have held for nearly 2 years.

What is going on? Very unhappy here.

My APE investment is listed as only + 0.00%, received it this morning, should it not be up considerably more?

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Should we be getting out APE shares today? A bit confused how free trade were selling APE yesterday but we haven’t got ours yet :man_shrugging:t2:

Still have no ape share why?

Will Freetrade on Wednesday give us our missing APE shares @ 0.01
Or will it be the price of APE on the day.

I bought alots amc share at 19th august or the deadline is 15th ? Am I still managed to get ape share on 22 th august. Currently I didn’t receive my apes yet.

You’d better reach out to support via in-app chat or - this isn’t anything the community can help with I think.


It shows as a zero average price per share for me.

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You shouldn’t be confused: Freetrade provides an execution only brokering service it neither sells to you nor buys from you.

The reason you could buy shares yesterday is because there were shares in the market that could be bought or sold. If you read the comments above you will understand that you haven’t got yours yet because the US broker that Freetrade works with has not yet informed Freetrade of your allocation. Given that some people have been informed, if you are eligible you can presume that your announcement is imminent.


I’m going APE!!!

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Thanks for the information and apologies for my ignorance.

I’m still new to this as I’ve only been investing since may.


APE up AMC down not sure how I feel …balanced I guess

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Buy and hodl both