Een van die dae swaer; een van die dae sal hulle miskien hul gatte in rat kry.
Helli JJD - Tenk u wel for replying. My Afrikaans is way too limited to get the full meaning - could you translate for this dum Engelsepers?
Certainly! To give a bit of context I will not translate word for word as meaning gets lost in translation. Having said that “swaer” is your brother-in-law, but in South African conversation context it is the same as you would use the word “mate” in general conversation with people you familiar or comfortable with.
So, to translate “Een van die dae swaer; een van die dae sal hulle miskien hul gatte in rat kry.”
There are a few different ways you can translate this but in this conversation thread the best English version would be:
“One of these days mate. One of these days they’ll get their act together.”
Basically we know its in the pipeline to be done but we as end user are just impatient.
Well said - in either language! Some Afrikaans I do know - re another Freetrade good performer right now: Alles wel, op pad met Shell!
Anyone had their AAL dividend yet? Payment date was 23rd of September.
Nothing yet, seems a bit of a lag on the divis being paid at the moment
Probably late afternoon. Still waiting for mine to arrive.
Anyone received the last dividend? Payment was 28th April
Sadly no.
Just got it 18mins ago.
And I thought my shares in BATS took a big hit.
I won’t if they distribute as cash from sale or float the separate business?