Arrival Group - ARVLF - Share Chat

I just want to see the 20 vans. At least just the 20. If they miss that I will assume the doom.

If they get the 20 and that “perfects the method” which they said the reduction was for, I’ll be happy. Then they’ll hopefully be in a good place to start smashing out vans with a proven working model of the micro factory model and everything around it.

Recently averaged down a little too. Probably won’t again but still have high hopes!



Dead worrying when you see this!!

I agree, just bought some at 1.03 and averaged my share price down, although still in the red.
I think I’ll be holding what i have until I see some good news from Arrival.

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Same here …just doubled my holding at 1.04 …holding now until it starts rocketing…I still have faith it will but that faith is diminishing by the day.


Last time I bought it was for $2.00 I did want to average down but might wait to see it climb to $1.30/50
As bought at first when was $12 :pleading_face:

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Nice video of the Arrival Employee Shuttle Bus. Video released today.


Not sure why there’ve posted another Bus video, I thought Arrival had paused Bus production and concentrating on making 20 vans?.. or is that only in the US?

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One of the interesting things about the Wall Street Journal’s * [HEARD ON THE STREET] column is that when it talks about stocks it lays out why they pick the stock or not (and usually the details come from a well established/well known analyst). Don’t go out and put money or not put money because of it … but use it as contemplative material. Recently it had a piece on $ARVL:

But the market for EVs isn’t in much doubt these days.

And the Wall Street Journal is in agreement with at least a few of the comments above:

The real question for startup manufacturers is whether they can make them at a competitive cost within a time frame that capital markets find acceptable.


Here is a recent article regarding the bus.


Thank you @bitflip amd @Optimisery for the links. Interesting stuff indeed. Glass half full or glass half empty. I really hope this company works out. It’s a little bit UK, it’s green and the production methodology is unique. Bus looks quite cool too. I’m tempted to buy a few more shares but don’t want to give it the (final) kiss of death!


They have but they still have buses made and road legal so using them as staff shuttles is a good bit of PR

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They was always going to happen, Wright Bus already have a proven EV bus

Interesting article and thanks for the link,… keeping my fingers crossed then, as I just averaged down, even more, today buying at $1.01.

Hope they don’t sink below $1

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$1 May be seen as symbolic or arbitrary however it has real significance. NASDAQ rules stipulate that any company that trades below $1 for 30 consecutive days will be delisted. In truth, the process takes a while and the company can put together a plan that return to ‘compliance’ but it’s not a great situation.


Do companies generally do a Reverse stock split to avoid this?

Yes they can do a reverse stock split to avoid delisting. Hopefully it won’t come to that.

Good question @Sims. Yes, the data according to

shows that most US reverse splits were forced (see Chart 2, most are under $1). Lots of other interesting info in the article.


Good question @Sims & great article @bitflip - I love these sorts of situations, an opportunity to all get a little bit smarter.


Must have to be rocket scientist to under stand that article :roll_eyes: so in Lehman terms what does a forced reverse split actually do?
Does it mean it’s splits into 2 or 3 like Tesla recently

Answers on a postcard please :chart_with_downwards_trend:

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A reverse split reduces the number of shares, with the price increasing proportionally.

As an example if you had 20 shares at $0.75 and the company did a 1-4 reverse split, you would end up with 5 shares but would expect them to be $3.00 each