Aurora Acquisition Corp - AURC - Share chat

This company is a blank check firm focused on acquiring media and technology companies.

Prof Scott Galloway from the podcast Pivot keeps evangelising about - which this SPAC is merging with. Does anyone know much about about?

They acquired UK based

Looks like the CEO has an ā€˜interestingā€™ management style.

If he felt ā€˜terribleā€™ letting 900 staff go over a 3-minute zoom call, I imagine he feels worse now.

We can only hope he is showing the appropriate amount of respect and appreciation by not being paid during his ā€œtime off.ā€ No doubt he will be well compensated.

Looks like the SPAC merger has been been delayed. One to put in my ā€œwouldnā€™t touch with a barge poleā€ category me thinks.

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Things havenā€™t improved for

Sources told TechCrunch that a list containing the names of some people who would be let go in a layoff scheduled for Friday, August 26, was leaked internally on Tuesday, August 23.