Best news media for stock advice


Anyone else think the Tempus page of the business section of The Times gives good tips about which stocks to sell, hold, or buy? In particular, William Kay and Lauren Almeida?

Early days for me so any real-life experience of this stock tips advice page most welcome.

I don’t think there is any alpha in general financial/business news like this, even if some of it is good it’s already priced by that stage.

I’d suggest finding and reading the leading industry news sources in whatever sectors you are interested in.

E.g. I follow semiconductors so I read Semi Analysis, Ian Cutress, Semi Wiki, SemiAccurate etc…


:+1: :+1: :+1:

I really like Citywire Investment Trust Insider | Fund Manager News, Analysis and Data for getting news on all the renewable investment trusts that I hold.

It’s free to sign up and they send regular emails with news too.

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