Bidstacks Group PLC - BIDS

London Stock Exchange

Traded on AIM all share.

Hey William, I have merged two topics for Bidstacks to consolidate the votes :slight_smile:


This is a very interesting uk co. on aim. It provides unintrusive in game advertising platform in a huge growing market . Has massive potential and i’m confident you will here more about them in the coming years. Please please add to available stocks.

Aim stock- native in game advertising technology company- growing market.

Definitely need this company on here - I have over 50% of my portfolio invested in Bidstack (the rest in other small cap AIM companies). If these were on your platform, you would gain another investor here!

I would like this added too

Signed up to an account to request this one!

I work in the AdTech space, these guys use to be a client of mine. They didn’t have a programmatic product, which is where the money would be for this company.

They were slightly clueless on how they were able to implement their product.

Bidstack’s platform is connected to the operators of a number of on-line advertising platforms, known as “programmatic advertising” platforms.

One of the ways you implement programmatic advertising is be placing a JS / IMG 1x1 pixel. On the webpage, app etc. Once the app / webpage is loaded this sends out a request to the buyers. etc etc…

There is currently no way to add a 3rd party pixel to games, (unless you’re the developer of that game) this was a couple of years ago, so things might of changed. And to be honest, lets say your playing FIFA it’s the champion league final, and all of a sudden a display ad pops up whilst playing it…personally I wouldn’t want this.

Being in the Ad Tech industry and dealing with the smaller companies, what they say they can do and actually do is two very different things.

Their financials also, doesn’t show greatness. The chart kind of shows people have lost confidence in what they can produce.

Just my 2 cents.

Are you still holding?

Hey, thanks for this insight, I thought they had developed and SDK to drop ads into the games?

Had great hopes for this company but think ATT ios 14 has really hit hard on all non FAANG advertisers.

Painful, might have to take a big loss here just to move into something I have more faith in.

Anyone got thoughts on Bidstack, I’m worried ATT and ePrivacy is finishing smaller ad publishers

OK, 136% up in a day at peak?!

An agreement with a (large) game publisher with sporting franchises on mobile platforms.

Judging from the description in the RNS, and the video on Bidstack’s website, I would suspect EA.

edit: actually considering the recent acquisitions of Nordeus and Codemasters, Take-Two could more likely be the mentioned publisher…


Why can’t I trade this or GFIN in my GIA? Buttons are dimmed. I signed up to try the platform before moving my ISA & SIPP. Not looking good so far. The website and downloaded spreadsheet seem to say I should be able to trade them, but no. Thinking Freetrade is a waste of time. Anyone know if T212 is better?

Some great detail on bidstack in this discussion (starts at around 24 mins).

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Bidstack Group shares fell after the company said it expects revenue for the full year to be significantly below market expectations, and that Chief Financial Officer Thomas Bullen will step down from the role with immediate effect.

The London-listed in-game advertising group said Friday that Chief Operations Officer Camila Franklin has also decided to step down from her role with immediate effect.




So glad I sold when I did phew!

Well it certainly is looking up in the last few days.