Surging down .2% …
Yeah the wrong sort of surge now ha. Hopefully picks up again tho.
I hope there’s a bounce back soon. This buying the dip is going on and on ha
Anyone else doing a little happy dance yet? Slowly slowly up it comes
Up 42% in the last year
And a good jump yesterday. And there was increase yesterday. Lots of bits in the media lately. Hoping it’s bouncing back.
Yes we might be looking at a slow long recovery but 1 year doesn’t make for good data on its own.
BT used to by £5 5 years ago, the 5 year trend is still down, the past year it’s recovered a little from its 2020 low but basically hasn’t actually recovered yet and is still struggling despite cost cutting efforts.
BT has a lot of work to do, they’re no where near finished with trimming the useless junk and useless people out of the company.
(I own BT stock as well)
Il be happy to see it back up to £2 :-). See what’s said in the results this week. But I’m hoping for a mini jump atleast
Good start to the day so far
So dividend is back on … I assume that is the main reason for today’s price rise. Presumably any serious price rise is waiting on what Monsieur Drahi does next?
In the past the trade press talked about BT’s pension problem. It is not being mentioned much at the moment. I wonder why.
Yup, BT, get a move on. Fibre to the home would be great.
Good that they’ve set a date and it’s all now sorted, I know they said it was planned to come back this year.
Those dividends will be left to drip back in until I retire
BT has a way to go but there’s a lot of decent stuff there underneath the rubbish.
I can’t believe it is labelled as slow internet
I’m just glad to be back in the green
BT to partner with oneweb for satellite communications network.
Ha ha ha. Express in there to give a kicking to the EU.
The real story is that BT had an agreement with Oneweb from May:
No BS*: BT is hooking up with OneWeb to tackle UK notspots • The Register.
All that has happened is that MoU has moved along to the trials stage.
BT to test OneWeb's low earth orbit satellite in UK lab • The Register
And the Galielio mention is a red herring (as Oneweb won’t compete with it for GPS). Oneweb is useful and makes sense for backhaul though.
No new news here folks.
My bad missing that it’s old news although it was new news to me as I don’t follow BT stock.
Plus didn’t see it posted here so thought I would share for the holders of BT.
Nothing wrong in what you did. No need to apologise.
My point is really more that the Express has it’s own angle … for its kind of readership. You need to be careful about you read as it may lead you down the wrong path.
You say in your profile that you are new to investing: I recommend to read a lot and be wary of what is known as “buying and selling on the news”. IMO Freetrade has a lot of great info in the Invest Hub section of the website. Also some of the topics in the forum will help you pick your way around the wonderful world of investing in stocks and shares.
New or not so new there is always lots to learn. Enjoy!