Can we remove screen lock by default?

I will not sign up for an account until they do. No other app requires it and I have had such apps for over ten years with iy.

It is mad to require this. It is a choice.

Why wouldn’t you want a screen lock to help secure your account? Surely it’s no different to any other secure app. I personally wouldn’t use it without the feature.


Which ones? All my banking and finance apps require Face ID :cow: or a code to unlock. I wouldn’t want it any other way.


I left my bank as they refused to leave the vault open.

I’m confused.

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YOU choose. Just like I should.

Hi @Karlr99

Welcome to the community. To be honest we hadn’t considered giving an option not to lock the app when your screen locks for security purposes.

I can mention it to the team though to see if there are any options we could be considering.

On a separate note please take a look at the community rules about remaining friendly and constructive.



You can use biometrics as the lock, it takes seconds to open using fingerprints.

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