Closed-End Funds


Looking for some Closed-End Funds (CEF’s) traded at the NYSE but I cannot find any of them.
Here is the list: EXG, UTG, PDO, IGR, USA, UTF, BCAT, THW, PTY, BST, PDI.

Are they available at all via Freetrade? If yes, how?
If no, are there equivalent funds available via Freetrade?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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I think most US-listed closed-end funds fall foul of EU regulations around disclosures, KIIDs etc, which is why they can’t be added.

However, you can access a few hundred UK-listed investment trusts through Freetrade. Trusts are similarly close ended.

You can compare them through the AIC website below:


This is actually a really useful site, thanks for recommending AIC.

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No worries, yeah, it’s like JustETF but for ITs.

In addition to the comparison tool, it has alerts which can be useful.

For example, I used them to notify me when SMT hit a 20%+ discount so I could back up the truck.


I used (and still use) AIC to manage my investment trust portfolio.

Their Income Finder was very useful in helping me consider investments for my income paying portfolio, allowing me to create different (virtual) portfolios to see what income I would get, when etc.


Good shout.

I was actually doing some light-touch projections with excel.
Old habit I guess, time to learn new tricks :dog: :smiley:

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