Cloudflare ☁️🦠- NET

Please can this be added

What do we need to do to make this a reality, I have big faith in this company I think free trade will really benefit from this.

This is the latest. I would imagine Cloudflare will be one of these added.

It won’t happen until after Fractionals launch. This remains the latest on Fractionals:

Try not to bump posts without adding to the discussion if possible :+1:

Those pesky Word docx @Ian

The malware is delivered via an RAR file — most likely distributed as an attachment via an email phishing campaign — that appears to contain information about the novel coronavirus in the form of Word document. But the file is actually an executable that, upon activation, extracts a decoy Word doc that serves as a distraction while the backdoor is implemented.

“This is a good example of the power of using Platform-as-a-Service to build code. Unfortunately, it is a malicious example,” said Chris Morales, head of security analytics at Vectra, to SC Media. “CloudFlare was built to support code for remote access just like this. And yes, by running on a Platform as a Service, it makes it difficult to block without stopping access to the entire cloud platform as traffic is legitimate traffic from the site.”

It is a high risk stock that is because cyber security is still an growing whilst companies are still trying to figure out the best system as fraud is always evolving on a daily basis, no company can perfect this and keep this to a Zero. I believe this company is going in the right direction, AMD stock just dropped the contract with Intel and signed with up Cloudflare which goes to show there potential.

Sorry, just looking for an update as I dont want posts to be outdated and then achieve into thin air. I’ll add some more meat to the bone next time :slight_smile:


He took it to the all time high.

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Any update on this?

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Please, I want this desperately


@Freetrade_Team any idea if the CDI has been created yet? I may be mixing up the terms here, just going off the post you linked to earlier in this thread :blush:

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Hi Demaine, it’s not a CDI we need for this one, but in fact, there’s a seperate technical reason which @Damon also mentions below.

We know this is a very popular stock, so we’ll do our best to add this one!

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Thank you Guys, finally on FT :freetrade:


Great stuff! Too bad it’s so expensive now.

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I was relieved to see it hit $45 let alone hit $55!! :partying_face:

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Wish I never sold last two months :joy:

Up 23% yesterday alone due to cloudflare one, I hope this trend continues its my biggest holding :crossed_fingers:t5:

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Same here now, given yesterday’s surge.

I’m excited about what’s to come, especially off the back of the next earnings call.

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