Coca-Cola 🥤- KO

Best served over ice.


I would say its a great long term investment :slightly_smiling_face:


Anyone receive their KO dividend yet? Suppose to come 1st April?

No not yet, I’ve assumed it’s because of the bank holiday. They say it can sometimes take a couple of working days to drop in… so hopefully it’s there by COP tomorrow


I hope so. My mate on 212 already got his today :roll_eyes::joy:

Pretty sure mine’s just dropped in, not had a notification but the cash is definitely there :+1:

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What is the minimum shares for the dividend?

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I wonder if the republicans rebranding them “Woka-cola” will have any effects on the share price going forward. Not wanting to get into politics but the whole issue of boycotting they suggest is a bloody big market(just under 50%) of Americans.
I’m sure Pepsi are quietly happy :joy:

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what would be the best tio invest in directly to coca cola or the european partners company? do the rise and fall in line with each other and is teh dividend the same?

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Any invested amount that would give you a dividend of at least a pence I’d say.

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A pence?

A penny. Same same :smile:


Yes, because of fractional shares. Traditionally its 1 share but with the ability to purchase fractions of shares you get the equivalent fraction of the dividend.

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Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves :partying_face:


I was not s fan of these fractional shares but l have changed my mind after buying a fraction of Amazon

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One l think

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Changed his tune, he used to advertise it.

What was the brand of the water? Who owns that brand of water? Coca-Cola?

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I think you are thinking of Ronaldhino as Coke are not in the list of sponsorships deals in Ronaldos history :+1: