Like a tortilla filled with pound coins its time for this weeks dividend wrap up! A weekly post where we take a look at all the companies who are cracking open the safe and sharing out some of the loot.
There are over 200 companies who are going ‘ex-divided’ this week but remember this date is the first date you DO NOT QUALIFY. Owning before this date is important f you want to be on the list when it comes to payment. Some of the big names coming up this week include -
Papa Johns
Walgreens Boots
Click the cash taco to see the full list of which stock you need to own if you want to secure a dividend this week
Now if you’re new to investing or just want to brush up on all the jargon used then its worth having a quick read of this piece from the :freetrade: team. If you’re reading this and thinking, maybe I need to get some dividend stock in my portfolio then @DavidK has already done some of the leg work for you.
Don’t forget that Uncle Sam takes a 15% slice of all of your US dividends and if you want to protect your dividends and gains from No 11 Downing Street then an ISA might be worth a look. Click on the image below to access the promo where you’ll get a free share from £50 - £200 and if anyone asks say the community sent you
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What are stocks are you waiting on this week? Comment below with your favourite CEO of the moment, are you reinvesting them in the company they came from or in another stock? Maybe they’re going towards a something else … maybe more Mexican food?
Now for the all important matter, toppings. You’ve got your handheld Mexican food of choice but it simply isn’t complete with out …
- Sour Cream
- Guacamole
- Extra Cheese
- Jalapeños
- Extra Salsa
- Coleslaw
Can you tell that it’s been a while since I had a taco? Well until next time Happy investing folks!