This weeks dividend information from The Cash Taco II 🌮 💰

Like a blanket stuffed full Vietnamese Dong its time for this weeks dividend wrap up! A weekly post where we take a look at all the companies who are cracking open the safe :lock: and sharing out some of the loot.

There are over 150 companies who are going ‘ex-dividend’ this week but remember this date is the first date you DO NOT QUALIFY. Owning before this date is important if you want to be on the list when it comes to the payment date. Some of the big names coming up this week include -

Bunzl (BNZL) - Who are Bunzl?

GlaxosmithKlein (GSK) :syringe:

Pershing Square (PSH) :pizza: :musical_note:

Coca Cola Euro Partners (CCEP) :tropical_drink:

B & M Retail (BME) :money_mouth_face:

Del Monte (FDP) :cowboy_hat_face: :banana: :pineapple:

Target (TGT)

Chevron (CVX) :oil_drum:

Microsoft (MSFT) :desktop_computer:

Ford (F) :oncoming_automobile:

Hershey (HSY) :chocolate_bar: :cookie:

3M (MMM)

Nathans Famous Hot Dogs (NATH) :hotdog: :hotdog:

UPS (UPS) :package:

Fun Facts

Move over Cadburys, Hersey have their own theme park and their’s has rollercoasters

Bill Gates will get a bit wealthier this week. His 330m shares will earn him a dividend of $204,600,000. He’ll have to wait until December 9th before he can spend it though!

3M have the greatest ticker MMM - Fact!

Joey Chestnut holds the current world record for eating the most Nathan’s hot dogs in 10 minutes with … 75!!!

Click the cash taco to see the full list of which stock you need to own if you want to secure a dividend this week and with UK companies you can expect payment from

Money Taco

Now if you’re new to investing or just want to brush up on all the jargon :robot: used then its worth having a quick read of this piece from the :freetrade: team. If you’re reading this and thinking, maybe I need to get some dividend stock in my portfolio then @DavidK has already done some of the leg work for you staring none other than Bunzl who are going ex-dividend this week.

Don’t forget that Uncle Sam :us: takes a 15% slice of all of your US dividends and if you want to protect your dividends and gains from No 11 Downing Street then an ISA might be worth a look. Click on the image below to access the promo where you’ll get a free share from £50 - £200 and if anyone asks say the cash taco sent you and watch them look confused! :wink:

What are stocks are you waiting on this week? Comment below with your favourite company this week, are you reinvesting them in the company they came from or in another stock? Maybe they’re going towards a something else … maybe some cheeky enchiladas? :mexico:

Last week I asked the all important question, what topping are you putting on your taco and romping home were Avocado and Sour Cream.

So this week, inspired by @jstar88’s question in the recent AMA with @nickfell, were tackling the equally important subject of Doritos -

  • Tangy Cheese

  • Cool Original

  • Hint of Lime

  • Chilli Heatwave

  • Lightly Salted

0 voters

None of this is investment advise, obviously, because listening to an overly tired cartoon dinosaur would be terrible idea! Happy investing, may the markets be green and dividends plentiful! :sauropod: :moneybag: :four_leaf_clover:


Is this your weekly thing @NeilB fun times and interesting to know thanks :ok_hand:t2::+1:t2:

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I think so, all the while I have the time.

I’m glad people find it useful. :ok_hand:t2: