Coinbase - COIN

It’s only because it’s money I don’t need so as long as i make it back eventually.
I agree you’d have probably made more directly in bitcoin but than again it sometimes drops quicker than a cow trying to fly.

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Here we go …ime expecting good gains in the next few month’s…from coinbase shares and crypto to :crazy_face::ok_hand::rocket::rocket:

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Ethereum is up almost 10% since yesterday and Coinbase 5%, so maybe you are onto something.

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I think you could be right :crossed_fingers:, especially with Eth’s upgrades. Just sit tight and watch em climb :joy:

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Ime expecting the crypto bull run to resume anytime soon …last time bitcoin went up coinbase shares went up about 10% to …so hopefully win win :smile:…somebody mentioned putting money into bitcoin rather than coinbase shares but my coinbase shares are a long term hold and bitcoin will crash when the bull run over …I think at the moment bitcoin and coinbase move together …I will watch closely when bitcoin starts to fall and ime hoping that by then the coinbase shares will decouple from bitcoin making them a good hold …but if not I’ll sell both :moneybag:

Anyone that thinks that coinbase shares will “decouple” from bitcoin is deluded.
When bitcoin crashes, coinbase will too. As will all stocks which are codependent on crypto.

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All the while the majority of COIN revenue is made off of Bitcoin trading they’ll never decouple. It would be the same as a Oil company decoupling from the global oil price or a copper miner decoupling from the price of copper.

When Bitcoin is riding they’re the first port of call for many buyers. Once they’ve been burned they won’t come back in the same numbers. COIN will have to tackle the customer burn rate (like CFD platforms) on top of other challenges.

After months of waiting finally gone into profit with Coinbase!

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You an me both, patience proved to hold on for this however I’m not taking it for granted as the minute Bitcoin starts to fall so will this. Just the domino effect so I’ll probably pull when that happens as I don’t fancy waiting another 4-6 months for any improvement.

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There is an earnings report due after trading on Tuesday which is probably driving this price rally



Coinbase is down 5% after a massive Q2 posting. What are your thoughts ?

I mean… 1.6bn$ net profit in Q2, that is 6.4bn in the year (with a very simple x4 methodology). At a value of less than 60bn$, in a very expending market, that seems like a bargain to me ?!

Am I missing something ?

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Probably those are just for quick dips, I will keep holding :slight_smile: it sound like a bargain to me either.

I’m not in this but tried to open an account with them two weeks ago. Two template emails and one sassy email from customer service later, I’ve cancelled my account(it was under needs to be reviewed for two weeks)

Coinbase subreddit is littered with issues about fiat withdrawing. I read a hypothesis that when folks are it for fiat gains then fiat liquidity dries up and then the company is kinda holding crypto bags - which leads them to tapping more lending?

Japenese expansion plans, although no date set.


There’s news on people’s accounts being hacked, going to cause stock price issues?


Not a great look from Coinbase, this isn’t the first time they’ve shit down like this. Given they act as market maker holding crypto themselves It doesn’t surprise me they’ve tried to ‘circuit break’


To be fair it wasn’t just Coinbase that went down most of the exchanges did as there was a lot of movement from the whales and El Salvador officially starting the use Bitcoin

Poor El Salvadorians who bought in early then saw a price drop.


Not sure it’s fair to assume they did it intentionally, there is no evidence for that. Most brokers went down for a while when we were having crazy volatility in stock markets not too long ago as well.

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