Crowdfunding round seven, Wed 24th Nov 2021 🎉

Freetrade successfully raised £1,000,000 Nov 2021. 11AM link

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They stuck my investment up of £200,001 for some reason?! :man_shrugging:t2:



So glad to join the investors here for the first time.

11 shares purchased, it isn’t much but it gets the ball rolling :smiley:


Who pays for the dinner? :upside_down_face:


I would hope Freetrade :sweat_smile: There might be an EIS option for dinner :joy:

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Guess I’ve got super lucky on getting the link. Thought as a previous investor I don’t need to do anything, but I had a short freak out moment before 10am, thought I still need to sign up regardless.

The link came through a new e-mail at 10am for previous investors. Perhaps they’re rolling out the links by groups.

Could only spare a small amount but finally invested!


I think the colours signify when the users joined and indicates how much this group of users invested so very useful from a marketing perspective

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Where can we see how the crowdfund is doing outside UK?


Just seen Adam message via the App. ‘Due to the proportion of funds available for UK and European Investors, the UK allocation of shares will be closing to investment soon. Once the UK allocation is full, you will no longer be able to invest in the opportunity.’

I’m thinking maybe 1pm… we will reach it.


Given the volume, maybe later after the round is close to catch up.

I’d be interested to hear opinions from anyone who has chosen not to invest this round (for a reason other than not having funds spare)

Im basically happy with my current level of holding. I got in early so have already 10 bagged and didnt feel the need to add more. It would have required selling something else to free up cash which I didnt want to do. In general, I now only invest in ethical/clean tech companies helping to make net zero possible so Fintech also no longer fits with my overall strategy (I also bought shares of Monzo and AssetzCapital when they crowd funded previously). I do think the company is executing well and the valuation was fair so nothing at all wrong with Freetrade’s fundamentals, just not something I wanted to add to.


Same reasons. I’m happy with my last investment x 10. I also only invest if EIS is available to offset some of the cost. Have another company I would prefer to invest in currently but still support FT.


My main worry is when they start being profitable? Expansion cost and this may take a while…


Will the NFT have any utility, or is it just digital art? Please say it’s the former.

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Still think at this price the company is a great deal - just Freetrade already makes up too big a % of my overall wealth so need to diversify! Same reason why I sold a little bit at the Series B.


Screenshot 2021-11-24 at 13.02.03

Last orders…

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Do we get to see the European raise? Is it on the same crowdcube page etc.?

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Not sure, though that crowdcube page has the UK flag at the top. So i’m thinking that’s solely for UK allocation. I would guess there must be another link for the EU and probably numbers converted into EURO.