I’ve been playing around with the @finki apis - they are really easy to use and integrate well with googlesheets. If you need a bit of data for your research I’d suggest checking them out.
Just looking over the API call log for the last 24hrs.
Ten of thousands of API calls. About 85% dividend related.
Historic dividends for US, UK and Europe coming soon (actually exsisted for a long time but just isn’t that great! So I’m doing a massive database rebuild). All available as either a simple, singular data point return (ie, ‘dividendExDate’) to shove into G Sheets/Excel or as a massive raw JSON output if you’re techy and able to parse the return.
Yes, I’ve added prices, EPS. DPS, sectors, KIIDs, OCFs, Transaction costs, Performance fees, ISA-ability flags… and all anybody wants is dividend data
Great to have that dividend list, thanks. Should be a sticky post so it’s easy for everyone to find
Does anyone have any good tools/ spreadsheets that they’ve built using this that they are happy to share? I’m thinking portfolio trackers or analysis tools that people find useful.
Not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I was playing around with some risk metrics, Beta, Sharpe ratio and Sortino ratio. Help yourself to a copy and spruce it up.
Beta: volatility relative to a market
Sharpe ratio: risk vs return measure, based on return/overall volatility
Sortino ratio: upgrade of the Sharpe ratio, based on return/ downside volatility
There’s some waffle here explaining the metrics a bit more if it’s of interest.