Aussie gold explorer on the AIM.
Reported to have found 11 million oz of gold at their Creswick / Eureka site.
Trades for a fraction of a penny, a real steal at the moment.
Aussie gold explorer on the AIM.
Reported to have found 11 million oz of gold at their Creswick / Eureka site.
Trades for a fraction of a penny, a real steal at the moment.
If anything like ggp then please get on asap
Ditto, got in on GGP a bit late, but something still early stages like this sounds good!
Bumping this as keen to get in after it jumped 23% yday… market cap is tiny right now (5.8m)
I just requested ECR Minerals on the main requests thread, please like and support to show that there is demand for it:
Bump. Most gold explorer stocks are on Australia exchange. Please add!
FT can we please have this added next week ? It’s had many votes. Thank you
Was just about to bump this too - need ASAP!
Ahhh its jumped 35%.
I knew I should have bought in elsewhere.
I agree…
We can’t really do much more than request it. I guess it’s due to FT not wanting to add small cap stocks, which is very annoying. It is also annoying to see how it shoots up before we have bought some shares.
Let’s see what happens and lets hope that FT start adding smaller stocks more regularly.
Sometimes I like to dream that Freetrade Plus will have the entire AIM on it from the start!
That would make the subscription totally worthwhile.
Agreed if FT plus had the entire AIM on it that would be worth the subscription!!
I don’t think so.
Hi @Freetrade_Team
Any update on this one being added?
Has over 34 community votes.
Think the issue may lie in mcap size…
If they do add it it will have to be soon given the expectation that a JV for Creswick could be announced at anytime… (plus I’d like 100% of my investments in FT)
Very true indeed.
I’ve had to buy on HL because the news could be out any day now.
I also bought it on another platform, at double the price it was when I started requesting it on FT.
Yep over 200% increase in just over 2 months…
Frustratingly means I don’t have it in an ISA with the other broker too (which I hope will be an issue in the next few months when it comes to CGT )
I think ECR has the potential to go a long way in the years to come. Still only £23m market cap
Anybody invested here?
Now have 250,000 shares. It’s going to be an explosive year for ECR minerals
Two licenses littered in Gold, JV announcement on the way and drilling having commenced at Bailleston
Ridiculously undervalued at £27 million market cap. /expecting many multiples