So, just received my SIPP cash into Freetrade and I’ve just bought various ETFs at hopefully some bargain prices.
Now, my only issue is that the analysis functionality is limited. I am not saying any broker has anything better - but there is huge opportunities for Freetrade to leap competitors.
Atom Finance - has a really nice aggregator of portfolios and provides a “lookthrough” functionality - thus being able to see the underlying stocks that an ETF is holding. I feel this is massive in-terms of transparency and essential for increased analytics.
I do know Atom can pull in investment portfolios from certain providers - however at this stage I believe it’s only US based companies and uses plaid. Atom charges $9.99 per month for this. Something I’m sure Freetrade users would very easily pay £2-3 for an analytics bolt-ons on top of the plus membership.
I envisage a view that combines all the underlying ETF holdings and outright stock investments - this view can then be cut by sectors, ccys, product, countries or anything else Freetrade can imagine.
Freetrade should then give the portfolio a risk rating measure for diversification and volatility - something thats fundemental to encouraging safe long term investing by the growing global retail users.
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