☑ [Feature Request 🔧]Pie chart in the portfolio tab

A bit of an add up to my initial impressions - are you considering adding a pienchart of one’s portfolio to the portfolio tab ?
I think it will look great between the chart on the top and the list on the bottom.Also who doesnt like pie charts :smiley:
Would really like to have my portfolio breaken down by % in positions and im pretty sure the majority of people think like me.

Great idea


You could swipe right on the current line chart to get a colourful pie chart :+1:t3:

And another swipe for a bar chart, which could have absolute profit/loss per holding… (With green/red bars and ordered by profit - to be specific!)


I dont seem to have it - swiping right does not do anything for me.Tried it both on the line chart and the individual holdings.
Also the line chart seems to be flat dont know why that is.

That was an idea for Freetrade to build it as a right swipe on the current chart, I could have been clearer :slightly_smiling_face:

Good plan, although it would only work if you have s few holdings in your portfolio. Any more than 6-10 and it would get a bit confused.


Maybe show up to 5-8 and the rest consolidated into “Other”? :slight_smile:


With the ability to drill into other… ie. click on other and a list pops up


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Temporary

I would like to see a visual representation of my portfolio as a pie chart if possible within the app. I can do this myself in a spreadsheet but I feel it is a nice boost to have this in the app although I will say it is likely it might be simply too small a screen to accommodate this visual representation where someone holds a lot of different shares.

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FinTech hates pie charts but I think it would be helpful

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Can there also be a application of a pie chart of all stocks in my portfolio to see the coverage i have in each industry or given stocks?

would be a neat feature maybe on the activity tab

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I agree, maybe having the option of putting stocks into different pie charts portfolios may also be a great addition :+1:t2:

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That would be cool :thinking:


To help with diversification analysis?

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That’d be cool. I have something similar with my Vanguard portfolio that shows me what my portfolio looks like, across all funds I own.


Hey Everybody,
This is my first post here :smiley: i noticed some other similar posts but not any Administration/Managment reply. So i decided to post it again. It would be an amazing idea to implement an Pie Chart in order to track our portfolio.
ps. I am not an user yet waiting for the application to release in Cyprus :cyprus:


You should just bump the original thread doesn’t make sense splitting the vote if this is a feature you’d want. Don’t expect a reply from admin/mgmt on every thread.

You’d think with all the voting being done in the real world people would understand the voting on here :joy::joy::joy::joy: sorry couldn’t help it


we will make this viral :rocket: