Freetrade Baggers - Stocks you think will double in 2021

I really like the idea of the FT community coming together to attempt to beat the pros at their own game.

So much so, that I’ve decided to put some skin in the game.

Yesterday, I bought equal amounts of every stock listed in the sheet that @Rollingskies put together after applying his filters. £100, or as close as can be, on every would-be bagger.

Some exceptions had to be made:

  • £KIST: couldn’t find it on Freetrade. Substituted with @ParadiseLost’ £OXB.
  • £MVR: couldn’t buy no matter what. Substituted with @DHarris’ £NGHT.

The equivalent profit (I’m expecting no less than millions) will be be invested into Freetrade via crowdfunding rounds :money_with_wings:

Starting value: £6,103.68
Starting date: Feb 12 2020 (roughly)
I’ll post my total gains/loss at the end of the year.

:medal_sports: The winner will get a (slightly late) Christmas hamper. I’m based in Tokyo, so I hope you like Japanese sweets, vending machine toys, and fake plastic food.

:poop: The loser gets the most embarrassing pair of socks I can find.

Let’s see where we end up on January 1 2022!

Note that the amount invested is representative of a fraction of my portfolio and I would not recommend putting any serious amount of capital into what is essentially a gamble. You should do your own research.

That being said… Bag or bust! :rocket: :boom: