Freetrade Baggers - Stocks you think will double in 2021

Sure ainā€™t no proā€™s hereā€¦


Right plus, yeah, that too :slight_smile:

I really like the idea of the FT community coming together to attempt to beat the pros at their own game.

So much so, that Iā€™ve decided to put some skin in the game.

Yesterday, I bought equal amounts of every stock listed in the sheet that @Rollingskies put together after applying his filters. Ā£100, or as close as can be, on every would-be bagger.

Some exceptions had to be made:

  • Ā£KIST: couldnā€™t find it on Freetrade. Substituted with @ParadiseLostā€™ Ā£OXB.
  • Ā£MVR: couldnā€™t buy no matter what. Substituted with @DHarrisā€™ Ā£NGHT.

The equivalent profit (Iā€™m expecting no less than millions) will be be invested into Freetrade via crowdfunding rounds :money_with_wings:

Starting value: Ā£6,103.68
Starting date: Feb 12 2020 (roughly)
Iā€™ll post my total gains/loss at the end of the year.

:medal_sports: The winner will get a (slightly late) Christmas hamper. Iā€™m based in Tokyo, so I hope you like Japanese sweets, vending machine toys, and fake plastic food.

:poop: The loser gets the most embarrassing pair of socks I can find.

Letā€™s see where we end up on January 1 2022!

Note that the amount invested is representative of a fraction of my portfolio and I would not recommend putting any serious amount of capital into what is essentially a gamble. You should do your own research.

That being saidā€¦ Bag or bust! :rocket: :boom:


This is terrific.
Apolgies for one squeaking through. Iā€™ve thrown out KIST and replaced it with OXB.

I meant to put some in myself. But I never got around to it!

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Iā€™m terrified with the ideaā€¦ I suggested AMGOā€¦


Great stuff.

hushed tones

this idea is tailor-made for the ā€˜pieā€™ functionality offered by a competitor.

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Freetrade Baggers pseudo-ETF, will be fun to see how this one works out!

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Imagine this thread evolves to something material. Real.

I would suggest in such a scenario a selection of the top 20 to 30 most voted tickers to be included in a potential ETF.

Now for a self serving face saving rule: one cannot vote for its own suggestion


This forum will become the next wall streets bets :rofl:


I was thinking of something moreā€¦ how to put itā€¦ sayā€¦ institutional


I still think that @Finki 's idea of creating a ā€œRetail ETFā€ could be possible. Maybe not with just FT users as we might not be able to pool enough funds (I for one have a very small budget) but I imagine that there might be quite a few users amongst the free/cheap platforms such as FT, T212, DeGiro, etc that would be interested.

See Finkiā€™s idea:

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I suspect FT could instead allow you to invest in a FT select pie. Could be a dividend pie. A growth pie or a gold pie or a crypto pie. You simply put down your amounts and it automatically buys fractions of all these stocks. Meaning people can buy bunches of stocks with a single click and without anything official


Recreational cannabis is illegal federally in the US, so regulated companies cannot go near it. It presents all kinds of problems with their banks, insurers, itā€™s a complete mess. Iā€™m not surprised Imperial is avoiding. They probably donā€™t want the scrutiny.
It would be easy to think Big Tobacco would have a grip on this sector given their experience in growing, but it doesnt. So perhaps wonder why that is.

US states legalising or decriminalising cannabis sends everyone into a frenzy, but its only accessible in that state.
Businesses cannot move it across the state lines, import or export, and there is a complex web of licensing laws that make it impossible for any one company to operate in more than one state. It might be legal here, but its only decriminalised here, and only medical here but for people with X symptoms, whilst over here itā€™s still punishable with a jail term to even hold a gram.

The largest cannabis companies on the planet are naturally Canadian, but they are all shut out of the US market

The growing, processing, selling and then banking the cash is all done in a grey area. And it has to be cash, because the proceeds cannot go through the regulated US banking system without the likes of FinCEN having a fit. Want a loan to expand, or insurance? Forget it.

In Canada, where cannabis is recreationally and medicinally legal, there are still major problems: no firm is making money, conversely they are burning billions, still, and most are only five or so years old and have not lived through any serious downturn.

Legality has not brought black market use down, why? Because its still cheaper and easier to buy from your dealer.
Another aspect of making it legal is youā€™re now allowing people to grow it themselves so they donā€™t need to buy it.

The same stories have gone round and around with cannabis over the last 5 years with almost no movementā€¦ ā€œlegalisation is just around the cornerā€ ā€œeurope is the place to beā€ ā€œemerging markets (ie poor countries) can make serious money growing and exporting because they have the natural resourcesā€
Share prices go through the roof, execs get paid, execs leave, share prices tank, jobs go, and the cycle repeats itself.

In basic terms, for cannabis to no longer be a prohibited drug, one that can be sold freely, the UN needs to reclassify it. Otherwise a country is breaking with an international treaty in allowing the sale of a scheduled narcotic.

UN treaties do not get changed overnight. To even get the main players who would make this decision in the room together can take the best part of 18 months. Iā€™m all for optimism, but the only people I know who have made money in the cannabis industry over the last 4 or so years are those who got in early and quickly got out after getting paid (the likes of Mr Linton).
Be very careful if youā€™re investing in this sector and be sure do DYOR.


All too true. I bought into 5 cannabis plays in December 2018 then by February/March/April 2019 so many analysts called the bubble and said 100% this is going down soon. Real soon. So I listened and sold all 5 plays. I mean, every analyst looked into each camera and said This Is A Bubble Get Out Now.

The only way to play this that has some relevance of backing and safety has been Innovative Industrial Properties (IIPR), a real-estate play with a growing dividend renting out to cannabis growers. Itā€™s been called out throughout all of this and is doing really well. Because if all else fails, they still own the real estate. This was one of the most under-valued reits but really well called out in 2018 as a great way to play the industry.

None of this is advice and ALWAYS DYOR and do not buy into something because it was written on a forum.




I wouldnt trust the wisdom of some crowd no offense, no $GME for me please ))

This is very 2020 , i believe we now say DD not DYOR :laughing:

Oh what a year makes!

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I always assumed Adobe was the go to for e-signatures. Turns out that Docusign has a whopping 70% market-share! Canā€™t help but question if this is overvalued? Iā€™m skeptical with this companyā€™s future, canā€™t see them doubling in the next year.

Love seeing Cloudflare on this list, great shout. Really like their diverse selection of products, their ethical standing, the aim of just making the internet better for everyone. Iā€™m planning to buy some Cloudflare shares.

Iā€™m curious if youā€™ve heard of Zscaler - ZS since theyā€™re a strong competitor. Covid causing everyone to work from home, more companies using the Zscaler VPN, their share price has rocketed.

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2nd bagger and we are only on week 3.

ARB. Argo Blockchain.

We now are 10% up on this very diversified porfolio. Well on track for a diversified 100% gain for 2021.