Freetrade Baggers - Stocks you think will double in 2021

Adding to that –

Some comparisons to my other holdings with no changes to capital, rounding down by various factors of 10s for privacy (slight differences may be caused by FX rates):

Freetrade baggers
Feb 2021: £61.04
Today: £49.05

Shares held in public companies
Feb 2021: £50.73
Today: £56.19

Freetrade Ltd.
Feb 2021: £46.49
Today: £74.63

Feb 2021: £14.07
Today: £21.39 Coin
Feb 2021: £27.64
Today: £48.00

Feb 2021: £40.56
Today: £131.38

Random crypto shitcoins
Feb 2021: £94.26
Today: £515.04




Thanks :+1:
This is actually a brilliant empiricial study
showing that stock picking returns are entirely random.


On the subject of randomness, perhaps the Freetrade Community Forum needs some sort of animal that randomly and haphazardly picks stocks on a whim without any idea of what it’s doing.


Shitcoin not so shxt!

Market-beating hamster?
May have to opt for this setup come 2022.


I’m wondering if the FT community don’t have the required skills to build something like this?

:angry: ahem…

You have to beat the market not tank everything you buy!


I’ll beat the market into submission.


Shell has been a very good purchase, I am up 120% on 128 shares. Very nice dividends too.

For 2022 I’d guess a few Cyber Companies will double in price, and web infrastructure like $NET - Cloudflare - will have a very good year. CloudFlare is up 47% for me.

Approximately 25% of my £21,000 portfolio is spread across Cyber:
DarkTrace (+14%)
Avast (+4%)
SailPoint (+6%)
CrowdStrike (+8%)
CyberArk (+8%)
ZScaler (+7%)
Tenable Holdings (+5%)
Sentinel one (+5%)
CheckPoint (+4%)
Rapid7 (+4%)
MimeCast (+10%)
Palo Alto (+12%)
Fortinet (+6%)
Datto (+5%)
RadWare (+3%)
McAfee (-5%)
KnowBe4 (-5%)
Allot Com (-5%)


I don’t think returns are random. But I do think that by the time people are getting excited about a stock it’s often too late, especially with meme stocks and FOMO type stocks

My portfolio is doing better than the freetrade baggers, but it’s mostly safe stocks that you wouldn’t have expected to double in a year


Yes it is just supply and demand.

I personally stay away from Green Energy for this reason - it is probably overpriced as everyone is onboard the green train and invested in it.

I think it would be of great value to keep the spreadsheet alive after 31 December.

Someone else opened a thread for 2022 picks.

I think it would be great to let them run alongside each other through the years so we can check, in 5, 10 or 20 years time how things evolved.

1 year is a short frame and most ideas take a lot longer to evolve and consolidate or vanish when it comes to the individual picks.

The same principle would apply for 2023, 2024 and so on, with the addition of new spreadsheets for each new year.


Nah they can’t pick and choose when it suits them. This thread was maintained and hyped up in good times yet everyone scarpered when growth stocks began to underperform. We won’t hear nothing if it remains that way. Just goes to show how markets go through cycles favouring different methods at different times some people have been clouded due to the prior year and to an extent a prior decade long plus bullrun.

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Hey, juat for consistency could you change CCIV to LCID, IPOE to SOFI and TILS to whatever it should be, maybe TLSA? Might help the overall slightly.

Think TILS is correct, It’s Tiziana. someone mentioned it in this thread. Not sure why it doesn’t work on the google sheet though.

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TILS shares have been delisted, new company being created that will be Nasdaq only I believe


My Keysight Technologies pick is going the good direction.

Could you please add ILUS INTERNATIONAL INC to freetrade. it has a huge potential in 2022.

thank you