Freetrade share price 📈

Simon, the comms to crowd investors last year were clear — EU expansion by the year end (2021) and Australia and Canada launches early 2022. I appreciate Viktor’s response in one of the EU threads about finalizing the product with beta testers, but personally can’t help but feel let down.

It seemed like the licence was the bottleneck for some time but it has been almost 2 months since it was granted…

I really hope that behind the scenes the year was not wasted… The year spent on building infra apparently was not enough to add Euronext stocks just yet.

Hard to see for now from a small external investor view point the value added to the business by building infra in house VS relying on 3rd parties to get to market faster and then internalizing some parts of the value chain.

No wonder some guys end up going full Juno/Brian mode on Twitter (being rude and/or not constructive).