Freetrade valuation. [Duplicate. Marked for merging with]

Just would like to know what the current valuation of freetrade is and whats the current share worth ?

I would assume not a lot different from Round 5

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I would like to know how long a piece of string is. :wink:


I could be interested as it could be the best investment, but wish to know if freetrade is really unique.

It’s the same price it was at the last round.

Companies like this don’t increase in value until they raise again, anything other answer is speculation.

Will Freetrade be valued at roughly 1billion once it has a million customers,which it will reach in 2022 if not sooner.


I would think this is very likely.

Given the uptick in user numbers… I wouldn’t think it’s out of the question to value FT closer to £500m (today).

All of this however relies heavily on the interesting data (AUA, average deposits, paying users, churn etc etc)


See Value of Freetrade - #5 by bally101