FT share price - IG agrees to acquire Freetrade 2025

Hey everyone!
I’m a very amateur investor, having only invested in a couple of companies.

I was wondering if anyone knows the current price per share of FreeTrade?



Freetrade isn’t on any market yet. It has only crowdfunded and received other investments funds from major players in return for shares. While I’m sure there is some way of estimating the nominal value of a share based on the last crowdfunding round it isn’t really possible to sell those shares anyways so their actual value is going to be ~ 0 until there is an IPO at which point when they are able to be traded freely then there would be a daily value.

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You will find out the TRUE share price in 2025 when Freetrade IPO



There are threads already on this subject, although a little outdated now. However, Freetrade believes their shares are worth £3.77


Can’t imagine any price under 50£ per share.


I’ve read a few other threads with this information but found it quite difficult to follow and not many responses were current/up to date.

But thank you! I’ll just keep waiting until an official update right?

@Rosalie you can find the most up to date details from our latest crowdfunding round in June: https://www.crowdcube.com/companies/freetrade/pitches/bwL9Jq

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£2.60 was the last price in June, peers are down ~20% since then so probably £2.10 is a good starting point if FT are on their planned growth trajectory/execution roadmap.

I’d probably guess it’s a little lower in reality as far as I can tell they are behind on that, but who knows.


Ooof i had 100 shares for £1000. I hope they bring on more customers.

Also relatively new to this…so, are we saying that we have to wait for IPO before we’re able to trade/view an accurate price? I invested through CC, converted in August but I have no clue how much they’re worth, how I can sell etc.


Hi Paul,

If Freetrade raise additional capital through an institutional raise or Crowdfund this will allow us to see how the company is currently valued.

I’d be pretty confident in saying your shares are worth more than you invested, however I wouldn’t like to guess a timeline for when we can sell.

Yours will have converted at the 20% discount, so you’ll be 20% up based on the last raise.

Hi all, does anyone know the current price per share of Freetrade? I understood that the company is now profitable and has reached £2 billion AUA

Likely around the 2.50 to 3.00 range, Fintech is yet to resurge into higher valuations unlike what may be implied by the market and sadly Freetrade has not done much to bolster the valuation in regards to features or marketing to get to profitability. the 2bn AUA is likely not due to inflows but the majority of retail investors buying into things like S&P,NVDA and TSLA and seeing gains YTD.

Appreciate it may not be what you want to hear but I think that’s a realistic view imho (also an investor)


Does anyone know when Freetrade are planning to go public, also should someone wish to buy more stock how will they go about it. Thanks

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There are no announced plans for either @RocketMan

Some around here believe :freetrade: will be public next year but that drum is old and well beaten.

Another funding round might happen but only if the new CEO can sell a vision on what the fund will be used for, not that they’re profitable the crowdfunding is a different pitch.

How’s that AMA coming on @acamp @Viktor ?


Personally at this point, I think crowdfunding is probably out of the scope more likely Molten will firm up some more capital if needed given that less should be needed due to profitability being achieved for short term roll out of “simple” features and if they need a large capital raise for any larger plans (with EU out of the question not sure what this would be) this isn’t something the crowd would be able to facilitate either so again would be back to institutions.

Even if they did crowdfund not sure I would personally put more in, feels like a large gamble given new CEO and yes features are staring to pick up but this is after a drought period.

It’s a no from me because I refuse to pay the parasites at Crowdcube a percentage of my investment profits. At least not until they start issuing refunds/rebates on losses through their platform.

I don’t mind paying a fixed fee or percentage on the amount invested, but I draw a line at them taking profits from investors when they take none of the risks.


I think Freetrade are too big, too well established to be throwing potential investors to the wolves like this - I get if you are a new company desperate to get some capital, then a platform like crowdcube could make sense (with the parasite tax).

For a company that celebrates transparency and trying to do what is best for share traders regarding costs etc. to then subject their own actual shareholders to the crowdcube platform, nah - that just seems very hypocritical.