GameStop - GME - Share Chat

… AACG is up 1,000% today

Redditors pumping it.

There’s some interesting and honest reports from some posters on this thread in r/investing who bought into GME at various points. Most lost their money.

I hope this forum follows a different path to wsb and disallows shilling the stock of the day.

In a bubble this is particularly dangerous as lots of people make money on paper which encourages them and others to put more in till they lose it all in the inevitable but always unexpected crash. You can see this dynamic a few times in the reports on the reddit thread.


Did he sell at the peak? Or is he holding? It confuses me because it says he made $270 million.

He sold before any of the madness I think, called it dangerous on twitter.


My understanding is that he’s out. And with heavier pockets

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This site seems to be keeping track of the short position, though I’m not sure how accurate it is.

The bubble may be over for retailers but aren’t the short sellers still in trouble?

Not if they closed all their $4 shorts and opened new ones at $400.

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AAME is going crazy also :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Edit: I’m an idiot

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Who have sorry?

Not listed on Freetrade :cry:

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Was a trading halt.

Why, because it’s going back up? This is crazy

It’s going again now

Do you mean there was a trading halt? It’s an automated process by the exchange that kicks in if any stock moves up or down too fast.


Yeah seems it was, thanks

10% in 5 minutes I think. Had about 10 in one day last week on GME. Nothing to do with robinhood.

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From $2.40 to $13 :rocket::rocket::rocket:

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This whole subreddit is danger zone. Interesting to watch. I cant trade any of this thru any broker. Be very careful. $AAME $LAIX etc

Looks like RH have removed restrictions on GME and other meme stonks…

It will be interesting to see how this impacts volume and pricing…