Help us test account switching 🔁

If you have an ISA, you can register to help us test the account switching feature which Mitchell previewed here, earlier this month.

We’ll pick 20 people to take part later today :running_man:


In the spirit of testing, we’re going to delay the start of testing this feature with the people who’ve registered so far :sweat_smile: sorry!

I’ll update this thread & we’ll send a push notification once we’re ready to get started.


We’ve just sent a message to everyone who volunteered to do the testing, to let them know that the feature’s been enabled for them :incoming_envelope:

Please share your feedback here - Feedback - testing account switching in the app.


How far off is the app from letting GIA account holders open a ISA without selling everything first?

Asking because I’d be interested in that for this tax year. Selling everything just seems like too much work for me.


We’re working on removing that requirement right now. It should be gone by the time we launch this feature :boom:


Any updates on this?

P.S. I know you are super busy, so it’s okay if it’s not quite there yet :slight_smile:

This release update sounds good

But then I just see this

Hoping I’ve not misunderstood, and it’s just my account, that the Freetrade can sort out :slightly_smiling_face:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Account switching’s now launched :repeat:

Now that account switching’s launched for everyone, share your feedback here Account switching's now launched 🔁