We’re excited to launch our new daily market news email, Honey by Freetrade.
We’ve been sending Honey to some early subscribers for a couple of weeks, and now it’s time for everyone to dive into the hive.
Expect to read about everything that’s happening in the stock market and the world of finance — covering not only global and US news but also stories moving the UK market.
You’ll get your daily serving of Honey late afternoon, Monday - Friday.
And of course, your Weekend Read will continue to be sent every Saturday morning.
Get a sneak peek and sign up on this page:
We’d love to get your feedback, so @DavidK and @dan know what you’d like to read about in your next edition!
And don’t forget to check out our daily market news articles on the Invest Hub.
P.S. swag pack for the first person who can guess where the name came from
Maybe you could read these as a quick podcast as well…
A very short update pod like a quick UK version of Robinhood snacks daily - no more than 5mins like ‘Paul Donovan@UBS’ or ‘Vox markets 5 things before the markets open’
Just a thought, if you were ever looking at giving the forum a revamp another forum I used to use a lot for comic/pop culture stuff had a decent UX where the main page of the forum had news articles on for people to read. I think that this forum could take some inspiration from how their UX is as I think it could work nicely with these new Honey articles either being on the home page or having their own section on the forum. They also have a top posters list at the side of each forum and I’m sure users here would enjoy seeing that data, and it would likely encourage more activity.
Here’s the link to the site if anyone was interested in looking at the UX/layout to see what I mean: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/
There’s a link below the email box ( highlighted red in my annotated version of your image ), click that and you should get another link in your email that will let you update your preferences.
Tonight was the first time I’ve clicked on a push notifications for Freetrade and it’s gone to the right place, straight to Honey, looking good in the app. Good improvement.
It appears Honey by Freetrade is no more, can anyone confirm? In the last email back in December they signed off for the holidays and said the team would be back with the regular newsletter in the New Year. It is now May and nothing has hit my inbox. I also get the 404 error on the link to the page from the main website. Sad times.
If anyone wants other recommendations I recommend The Daily Upside or even Snacks from Robinhood (but that can be a bit basic).
I tried the Daily Upside but found it a bit irrelevant so I unsubscribed. I liked Honey but stopped reading it when the emails stopped and it became app only. I spend enough time on my phone so didn’t intend to spend more time being forced to read this on there too!
Hey @Rob14! Fellow Honey writer here You’re right, we are indeed working to get more content into the app. Stay tuned - we’ll be rolling out our first series soon!