[Idea] Rolling balance figure

Iā€™d like to request a rolling balance figure, which shows the effect of each transaction on the cash holding. This is a feature used by most banks on statements etc.
The main reason for this is just to provide some clarity around dividend payments. For example today (25/9), I received a notification of a BP dividend at 5am. However, I have screenshot from my account at 3pm yesterday (24/9), and my balance has not increased. However, the dividend has been inserted between trades that happened around 12pm on my transaction list. It would just be good to see that rolling balance to confirm receipt of funds etc.

Iā€™m just bumping this suggestion as @louiseDJ has a missing dividend and having a rolling balance in our CSV file would highlight any discrepancies.


Thanks, would agree with this, have added my vote.


Iā€™m just replying here as had a chat with support today who explained what is going on when we get a payment at a different time to a notification.

Basically it is their servers struggling to make the vast numbers of dividend payments and send out the notifications at the same time. I was told that usually the payment is made first and it is the notification that is delayed. I had a rather nice special dividend arrive in my account from Ford about an hour before the notification.