Improving the chat

Is the any chance of 1 pinning chats about the stocks you hold or notifying when a chat about your holdings or on stocks on your watch have updates. And 2 when people are talking about a stock they should disclose a holding not size just the fact they have a holding for transparency.

Yes there is, but you need to do this yourself for each one you hold.

If you do a search on the stocks you hold or wish to watch the chat and under the pink reply box you have a dropdown which says normal click on that and change to watching and then if anyone adds anything to that chat you will get an email and a number on the top right hand of the page

Is that everytime they mention a stock. I think this is impractical and unnecessary. Users of this Forum are not here giving stock advice, in fact it would be against the spirt of the community rules. I guess if someone appears to be touting then transparency would be welcomed.

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It’s pretty meaningless sharing values too, 5 grand could be 0.1% of your portfolio or my entire life savings.

If you are looking for a community of analysts, try platforms like Seeking Alpha instead.

Fortunately, this is just a community of users, free to use and open to anyone :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, that’s not transparency. I could say I have a £10K American Tower holding and you have no way to know if that’s true or not. Unless you hack into my laptop or my FT account, of course