There should be a tutorial screen when you load the app. Certain icons/headings could be highlighted and the rest of the screen could be made darker whilst at the bottom you read what the highlighted item is about:iphone:
What kind of things did you want a tutorial about? I found it very intuitive and there is a limited number of tabs or options
For me it was ok like you stated, but I think that this is due to most of us knowing a bit about stocks and what the app settings meant. Given to a complete noob knowing nothing about investing or the app, rather than clicking everywhere to try and find out for your self and risk buying a stock you did not want, an on screen tutorial would be less risky.
With a quick on screen tutorial stating “this is what this does” and “you click here for this” would put an apprehensive user at ease instead of just clicking stuff on a screen and seeing what it does.
Also like I stated I only found out about instant stock orders via a youtube video. The settings are on basic order as default. This is not even stated in the freetrade site. A tutorial would of let me know about these settings sooner rather than placing orders and wondering why they were not getting executed then and there.
I was a complete noob when I first got the app but I can’t see a risk of accidentally buying or selling as you have to pin or fingerprint confirm at the end of each.
I thought instant was still default except outside market opening hours?
I see your point and it is well noted reguarding accidently buying stocks. Just thought a welcome tutorial (with the option to skip) would be a nice touch.
I checked yesterday during opening hours and my default was basic order. I will refresh and see if that has been updated. Thanks for your reply
Thanks for this suggestion
We’d like to solve any pain points / make any bits of the app that are less intuitive better so if you spot any, please do post them here.
Ideally the app wouldn’t need a tutorial, it should be that easy to use
It might even be a video on YouTube so that you also showcase the app for the world to see. And it will not make the app any heavier that is always a good thing.
I think I understand the purpose of this kind of tutorial and agree it may provide value. Nevertheless I like to be asked if I want to skip the tutorial. And have the choice to come back later.
Like @Rat_au_van I also found it very intuitive for the same reasons. Nevertheless there will always be someone who feels confused for a number of reasons.
@Elettric option of a YouTube video tutorial also sounds like a good option. Even a plus for marketing.