This is now the cheapest all-world tracker at 0.15%, so it would be great to see it added to FT.
Was literally going to request this today, thanks for doing so! - I think if Freetrade want to be market leaders, sometimes moving away from their strict volume rules about stocks and adding new ETF’s, which follow the index of the very popular VWRP is key, for example:
Invest Engine
Trading 212
All don’t have this yet, what a chance to get ahead
some more info around the ETF from Invesco:
I’d agree. If this doesn’t yet meet the threshold, it will quickly become more liquid as people switch to it.
I can completely see it from there POV about illiquid ETF’s and low trading volumes etc but this is undercutting VWRP / VWRL considerably and will probably be very popular
Yeah, it’s a tricky balance as you don’t want customers waiting hours or days for orders to execute. But I’d imagine cash will flow into this due to the cost so it will be relatively liquid before long.
It’s worth noting that there are cheaper workarounds – for example, if you combine VEVE and VFEM. At roughly real-world values of 90% to 10%, respectively, the total weighted cost comes to about 0.13%.
FWRG is traded in GBX. I believe freetrade is more likely to add this one. Please update title. Thanks
Invesco FTSE All-World UCITS ETF Acc
Thanks, I’ve edited the title accordingly. It wasn’t on JustETF when I checked yesterday, so I wasn’t 100% sure of the GBX ticker at the time.
@EmilieG - or is this too early to add?
This could spur Vanguard into reducing its ongoing charges.
You’d hope so but I have a feeling Vanguard may refuse to enter into a race to the bottom on price.
The likes of State Street and Invesco probably need to undercut VG to attract sufficient capital as they don’t have as strong a brand.
Some investors will switch but it likely won’t make much of a dent in an £8bn ETF like VWRL.
This is available on InvestEngine - come on FT
Wow that’s impressive from them, FT up next?
Checking it out!
0.22% → 0.15% is a saving of £7/year on a £10000 investment.
Gotcha, that’s interesting to know. I’m merely fighting for the ETF, so that people have choice that’s all.
Just might be easier for people getting started with ETF’s at a lower cost £4.50 a share vs my £85 in VWRP
Yeah, it’s important to note that this ETF is relatively illiquid too, so the spread could be significantly wider at times. According to JustETF, it’s only £2m in size compared to more than £8bn for VWRL.
Liquidity is particularly important for a core holding. I won’t buy this until it’s more than £200m as that’s generally the point at which institutions consider a security liquid enough to invest.
It opened up at 2M It’s only 2 weeks old, I’m sure it’ll be much more than that already.
I’m holding it on IE