Investment Gain / Loss

Looking at my NYSE/NASDAQ positions and I cannot make sense of the Investment gain/loss amounts and ratios. E.g. my BRK.B holdingā€™s gain is +4.48% (Ā£213.52) and at the same time +2.90 ($171.10).

$171.10 = Ā£213.52? 2.90% = 4.48%
Even factoring in exchange rate and FX fee, it is hard to make sense of those figures.
Any ideas?

@Freetrade, please note I have contacted you with a similar question 6 days ago using the in-app chat service (ā€œContact usā€).

I now only look at the ā€œpoundsā€ gain and loss, cause at the end of the day it is that what you will earn or lose if you will sell some shares.
(Even for the U.S. one)


It is because the exchange rate has also changed since you bought. Ā£1 then has a different $ value than Ā£1 now, hence the difference.


OK, if the Ā£Ā£Ā£ and $$$ values are calculated differently, this should be explained somewhere in the app. The 2 values have the exact same name but they tell me a very different story, and only the Ā£Ā£Ā£ one reflects the current value of MY investment. Both views are useful, knowing what I am looking at.

It probably helps some people understand why their investment (in Ā£) is not exactly tracking the stockā€™s movements (in $).

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I think both original currency and Ā£ profit / loss are important. If you sell right now then it will get sold in original currency and converted to Ā£ at todayā€™s exchange rate. However, my understanding is that multi currency feature is being looked at, at that point the original p/L will become useful.

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Not sure where the contradiction is?

If you purchase in USD, you can see your profit in USD or in GBP.

They are different because exchange rate changes every dayā€¦and if it only showed you the GBP profit / loss you couldnā€™t accurately asses the performance of the stock itself.

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If you are still unsure @Simon3 ask and someone smarter than me will help you make sense of things.

Dont be put offā€¦we are all learning here together :slightly_smiling_face:

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It is due to the combined effect of share price fluctuation and exchange rate fluctuation. Freetrade confirmed, checked the figures and it is all clear now. Thanks for replying. :slight_smile:

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