Investor Rewards R6

Last time it was dropped at the entrance of my building without any call. Got lucky to pick it up shortly after

No worries I’m sure they’ll be :100:- while unisex is good I’m not sure it helps with me choosing a size… Hopefully I’m not being thick here! I guess that means I’m not an S, but could just as likely be M or L? I know I’m a chest size 40, any help?

What about sizing in terms of size? I’m a small and even a medium can be considerably baggy on me :worried: I’m only 5’4" :joy:

What do you think is the likelihood we’ll know what everything looks like by the deadline? (End of Monday), or could the deadline be extended so we can make an informed decision?


Hi @Freetrade_Team, I have a couple of questions:
(Following my previous post) How do we choose the big item and the small item, if the survey sent just allows one pick?

Also, from the R5 campaign, I think I’m entitled to 3 months of plus (Alpha back then). When are these R4/R5 rewards going to be awarded?


I’ve chosen a medium as I don’t want to end up with nothing, but I hope we can swap out if the sizing is wrong!

Damnit, yesterday was so busy I completely forgot about this especially as I was waiting for a response.

Hope it’s not too late…

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I was wondering the same, only allowed one pick and I chose the bag. Do we get 2 picks?

I sent an email asking them to clear up how many items you can get as the assumption (and what was stated by Victor in the forum) is that you get a little and large item, but Sam responded saying its only one item.

Any Update on when Round 6 Rewards will be Completed???:thinking::roll_eyes: Thanks.:slightly_smiling_face:

Hi everyone

Sorry for the delay.

We didn’t manage to get these shipped before Christmas, unfortunately, but the wheels are in motion and your rewards should be with you this month :package:

These will also include Investor app icons and in-app badges.

Thanks for your patience, and continued support!



Will this also include updates of investor groups on the forum @Freetrade_Team?

Yes, everything!

Sam, Thanks for the Update.:slightly_smiling_face: Much Appreciated.:+1:

Hi Sam,

Any updates on the rewards, have they been shipped?

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Not yet I’m afraid. Hit another snag with the supplier, but this has now been resolved.

Let you all know ASAP.

I’m sorry it’s taken so long, thank for the patience.


Is there anything we need to do to get our rewards on here and in-app or will you find us via our email address used on Crowdcube?

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There’s a form to complete if you used a different email, it should be further up this thread.


Thanks, I used the same for both so I’ll just sit tight :smile:

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How about our R6 badge please :smiley:


Yep still waiting for the R6 badge and on this forum :sweat_smile: