Is anyone else following the Citron short seller vs WallStreetBets chaos?



Zjz is the best, he quit for a bit but recently came back. Honestly the sub doesnā€™t deserve him.

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It looks like this has gone flying past GameStop and wsb, this is now a full blown rage against the financial establishment. Things like deleting the discord no matter how trashy it was are not good looks. I think people are underestimating the magnitude of the actions that institutions take right now on the future, perhaps as some once did in politics.


Looks like the reddit was taken down rather than made private.

I THINK the same lot have opened up again at r/wallstreetbetsnew

EDIT: Although having said that, the original sub reddit seems to be back up again now too, so what do I know?!

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They are using their government stimulus cheques to put it to the man. Watch out when millions of people get $1400 free money and reallybturn it up on short sellers. It could getbmessy and throw some big ripples. Yesterday was a red day pretty much accross the board im wondering if its related. Big players worried about getting dunked and pulling profits while they can. What do you think?

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The game is rigged and always has been. The powers that be are freaking out bc the people are fighting back and it scares them. I dont know how they are going to sort this. Unless they licence individual investors and basically kill this platform. They are scared and their money got messed with so anything is possible


I would take it all with a pinch of salt. Some of the ā€œpowers that beā€ undoubtedly are involved both sides of this play. There will be institutional investors driving this short squeeze too. Yes some hedge funds took a massive hit for a massive red day, but others institutions with computers/algorithms able to identify trends will have jumped on this too and been more than profitable.


Iā€™d turn it down a notch. This sounds way too much like a conspiracy theory. This is a cool thing that happened, a couple of hedge funds got burned, but neither does anyone really care about them, nor will this have any lasting effects on anything.

Gamestop is still just a not very successful company with an insane valuation. Many small investors will get burned now as well.


Very true. Hold the line they say but who ever is holding it last will loose everything. Short selling is dangerous if you get it wrong

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Iā€™ve no doubt this is happening, in fact Citadel is probably front-running RH order flow on a massive scale and using that money to cover losses elsewhere; itā€™s already bailed out Melvin once.

I donā€™t think ordinary people care who is on which side though, as this post points out, itā€™s simply a chance to get back at a system that took so much from so many.


I agree that itā€™s nice for the average Joe to have a win every once and a while, but itā€™s funny how this is being painted as a once in a generation transition of wealth from classes. It almost seems like a speech from Braveheart


We shouldnā€™t assume itā€™s a win for the average Joe yet, Iā€™m sure sub $20s are safe but a lot of people have bought recently and still need to get out.

When something triggers the exit (e.g. if DFV exits his position) itā€™s gunna get crazy and I think the institutions have a better chance of getting out ahead.


The house always winsā€¦ even when itā€™s losing.

Question for the wise people here - why isnā€™t there news of short sellers being all over Gamestop right now? Everyone admits itā€™s overpriced and will fall back, surely shorting it now would be very easyā€¦ so Iā€™m obviously missing something.


Itā€™s very expensive to borrow shares to short (as there are so few available).

It could go much higher in the short term so you would need a lot of cash to maintain margin.

Iā€™m sure loads of people are shorting through, the %shorted has stayed similar but I bet itā€™s not the same people. I imagine as quickly as people are closing their $10 shorts people are jumping in to short at new prices.


You know itā€™s big when GameStop and $AMC make it to Dog Instagram.


I canā€™t believe the Bulgarian CFD guys stopped people buying GME and AMC. Also stopped signing up new users because their servers canā€™t handle it. More business for FT I guess.


Not my screenshot but can confirm itā€™s not possible to buy, only reduce positions in GME and AMC.

ā€œIn the interest of mitigating riskā€ :thinking:


Yes because the hedge funds are unwinding their positions, not just in gme but all their other positions to cover the losses. Itā€™s a web of loans and debt and the instability itā€™s causing makes markets move in unpredictable ways


But this isnā€™t obvious market manipulation, apparently.


Maniacs they are people who are tired of hedge funds manipulating the market these companies were turn around plays Bobby had turned around as had bb, Nokia and amc been thrown a lifeline but the shorts donā€™t care about the harm they cause by shorting a stock when a company cant get a loan because the price has dropped to much and people have to be laid off they only care when the system is turned against them