iShares Global Clean Energy ETF - INRG

I think if something is behind a paywall it should be copied/pasted rather than linked.

Tbh, I wouldn’t pay £200 for a newspaper either, lol.

Same, only reason really. I don’t have enough shares in it to be worried anyway. I think, had I put hundreds of pounds into this I might be sweating it a bit. >_>


Markers are about patience and distancing yourself emotionally at the right times.
I put 5k in, but not too fussed it’s a long hold, and now I’m buying more to average out…


It’s all relative isn’t it.

£200 a year is £4 a week for something that gives me market data insight and a portfolio management tool that helps me make better decisions. I dread to think how much a year I spent on alcohol or coffee :rofl:

I though the ETF hub was free to air -

The gist is this ETF is going to be rebalanced as there are significant issues with it. Clean Energy is considered a “thinly traded” market, and unfortunately retail investors don’t have access to the kind of info large funds have in regard to underlying exposures.

The final quote is quite telling

Given that some information is hard to come by, it could be wise to simply take a step back and, as Rausch said, “learn how to spot bubbles”. Then it might be possible to avoid the crush at the exits should a wave of selling hit the market. “Retail investors might think they’re going after a hot new area of the market, but [with thematic ETFs] they are also taking a narrow view, and with all due respect if there’s an ETF for it they are not the first ones there,” said Peter Sleep, senior portfolio manager at 7 Investment Management.


This was my biggest mistake whilst investing, I was brand new to investing in January and in my head ETFs were very safe, so I put my first 1k into this. Let me tell you it’s been a lesson learnt. I’m down 30% so I’m holding. Personally I think in the long run I’m going to be okay but it may be at least a year till I break even!


What was your investment timeframe out of interest? Personally I’m thinking in timeframes of at least 3-5 years with ETFs like this, if not longer. But then my goals are more aligned with life and later retirement and I only invest what I can afford to lose (after syphoning other money into ISAs etc).

I’m certainly still learning too and see the low-cost as an opportunity to dollar-cost-average. This is certainly a different approach to the perhaps naive way I used to jump on a share/fund with everything I had when I was younger.

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If this ETF isn’t worth significantly more than it is now in 5 years then we have bigger things to worry about in my opinion



Suppose so, but coffee is at least tasty. >_>

I don’t really invest enough to warrant £200 on the paper I guess.

World is one option you buy the whole world.
Or an usa index

Nice little pick up today on the market. Was looking better about 4pm though

The long overdue rebalance started on Friday finally! Fingers crossed the increase in holdings from 30 to 100 + cutting PLUG from 10% should help this a bit


I’m like 25% down atm. Bought in at the absolute top above 14 quid and been averaging down since :upside_down_face:



I bought two at 13.24 each, it tanked and I’ve never bought since. It’s down -26.15% for me. I won’t average it down tbh, just hold and sell in the future.

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I still like it as an ETF but all the clean energy stocks within it were very hyped at the time. Just bad timing for me. I still think its a good buy, sub 10 quid.

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My second largest holding, average price of £10.99 so I’m ~11% down currently.

No further plans to average down with this one, let’s see how the rebalancing goes…

I first invested when it was 4 quid ish early last year. However, my average is now £10

Yeh I bought at £6 and it crashed 25% to £4.13. That’s you now :wink:.


Has anyone got a link to the updated holdings please?

Holdings section is on here

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