From time to time we all need a way to vent frustrations or talk through a problem.
Some of us may sometimes even feel lonely or unheard.
I thought we should have a thread that was a dedicated safe space for talking about what’s on your mind. Issues big and small.
So if you need somewhere to type up a gripe and get it off your chest, this is the place for you. (Sometimes even typing it up and then deleting it again can be a good way to process things).
If you are feeling a bit lost and need a friend, pop in and reach out.
And if you just want to let people know you are a good listener and happy to be an ear for others, well make yourself known.
For more serious issues, I highly recommend the samaritans (Call 116123 in UK) if you need to speak with someone over the phone or feel you are in crisis. You can even remain anonymous.
Please remember this forum is not a means to report emergency situations. If you feel you cannot keep yourself safe, please call your national emergency services (999 / 112 or whatever applies to your locality) they will be there to help you through. The forum is not suitable for these situations.