MEGATHREAD: Free Share updates and feedback 🎟

I think it would be relatively straightforward to tell the user if a link has already been used when they click on it though. These things are first impressions. If it’s awkward or doesn’t work as expected it may put a user off. on the other hand if it’s really easy and everything is self explanatory the user is more likely to carry on using the app

People are going to stick these things on twitter or facebook or wherever. It needs to handle it gracefully if loads of people click the same link - and preferably you want most of those people to sign up so it might actually be better if the links were multi use


Are we going to get any new link before the testing phase is done? :slight_smile:
I know you just sent one this week, but many of us have already used it…

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Would appreciate another link also!

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‘One time use’ can mean it’s used the once, it then expires. Then anyone else on the link would be told it has expired.

It may be intended to be used by one person, as we now understand, but it really isn’t that explicit that this is the case. As well that the referral system won’t know how to handle more complex situations like multiple people clicking the same link and partial signups mixed with full signups from the same link as was my case.

It’s beta, I get it. I’m just making it clear how their referral system could have handled it. So they can improve it for the future.

Freetrade got in touch with me and offered a solution to rectify this issue. So thanks to them for doing that - I just wish it could have been handled like that initially. But very much appreciate it being sorted for me now. :heart:

Someone signed up with my link but didn’t top up :cry:

Kind of wishing I didn’t put my link on Reddit now…

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Would be great to have another referral to get through the weekend. :kissing_heart:


They’ve gone cold on us

I sent a referral to someone. They have signed up but not topped up. I cannot refer anyone else, is that because I have no referral links left or because he hasn’t completed the sign up action?

It’s because you don’t have any links left.

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Is there a reason why further links aren’t forthcoming?



I just got another 1


Me 2 :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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Hopefully this means it won’t be long before we find out :money_with_wings:

Thank you Freetrade :kissing_heart: :+1:


The next wave is now upon us! :speedboat::tada::gift:

I couldn’t get anyone to signup yet, some asked is it phishing and some said they would not do it for a free share.
Another way to look at this, not much euphoria around about stock market, I guess market has more room to go up, same goes for crypto.

Also I think, people might signup if given link anonymously.

That’s interesting, they’re showing M&S at £2.09, when the minimum free share value is £3!


majorly disappointed if I end up with M and S :face_vomiting:

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Then just sell it if it’s something you don’t want

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