MEGATHREAD: Free Share updates and feedback 🎟

It’s for investors in previous rounds too.

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I had the email saying I can refer people, but cannot see the banner in the app?

If you hard close the app it might appear. I had to do that after I got the first notification on iOS

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On iOS there’s also a link under the Account tab just above Help & Support


I had to clear app cache for the banner to appear on Android.

Is it down or just me?

Freetrade use Cloudflare and this is caused by Cloudflare from what I can tell :grimacing: they are experiencing problems.


Yes Cloudflare are having issues at the moment, which will be impacting a lot of your favourite websites at the moment :pensive: We’re just in the process of sending out an in-app message & we’ll keep you updated.


it’s down for me too

I’m sure they’ll fix it quickly but this is big… they’ll also do a really thorough post-mortem blog post but still worrying how much impact one company has.

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Cloudflare coming back up for me now…


Thanks, @Viktor !

Looks like the magic link issue was unrelated to the referral as you suspected - the e-mails came through about two hours later and they signed up OK. Perhaps just a slow down with e-mail.

I’ll try to pick up any screenshots of the ‘invalid link’ issue, but it might not be possible to go back to that screen now they’ve signed up.

Keep up the good work, and thanks for the responses. :+1:

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I think the text is not right, at least on Android.

If I click on the pink button I go to a page where it says up to £200, but in the terms it’s up to £80.

It should be the same number on both pages.

Here is the terms page: Freetrade’s referral program - Recipient - Google Docs

And this is how a invite page looks with £80 on it: Free Share


Did I read somewhere the free shares could only be deposited in the general account and not an ISA?

If so it’s probably a bit misleading to have the queued free share showing up in the ISA as it does currently

Also, I shared the referal link via Whatsapp on Android and it has this text:

“You should sign up to Freetrade! It’s this app you can use to invest for free. Plus, when you sign up, we both get a free share - might be Apple or Tesla!”

Unless the market has just crashed it doesn’t seem Apple or Tesla would be under the £80 limit?


Yes, you can only fund a ISA with cash. I suppose it’s a bug if it’s showing only under ISA, unless it shows for both the GIA and the ISA, in which case MVP.

Regarding the Apple and Tesla shares, they plan on testing other prices ranges as well, Viktor said this


Worked without any issues. The fact you are able to see the progress of the signup makes you feel a more confident about the process.

For those of us who just finished the first referral today, will we need to wait for the next wave?

Please make the W-8BEN form status obvious in the Account or User Profile screen. I assume I’ve filled it in, but can’t see any indication on Android. (on a separate note, consider merging the two screens in future)

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Am I allowed to invite my wife?! @Freetrade_Team1 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Android sign up today. Received a notification I had a referral code, sent the invite via email, received a notification that the free share had arrived, checked and it’s queued.

Like a glove :+1::gloves:

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