MEGATHREAD: New subscription plans 🔁

Out of interest how much was Plus previously?

I’m wondering if having access to Plus stocks is much of a benefit for standard users. If Plus was previous around this amount anyway, anyone that wanted the plus stocks would have already been paying for it. I feel like they could have at least added in a roadmap of new things coming down the line which meant maybe it wasn’t great in the short term but there was some upside in the long term of the cost increase and to staying on the platform.

Its a decrease for people on sipp its pathetic move.

As a investor in Freetrade and a SIPP & ISA account holder, I am very happy with this new model :heart_eyes:



As an ISA holder I am just about ok with this, not overly thrilled about any of the new features now open to me. The question is where else could I go anyway? There isn’t any competition at this price point in the uk so I will just have to suck it up.


There will be soon though no doubt

Mostly cause they need to be profitable as a company.

Limit orders can easily save you more than that


They should have kept isa at 3 pound and offered the standard mod at 4.99 as an extra option cant get me head around why they havent

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Not for me,i see a stock i buy it, like i say surely it woukd have been better keeping the 3 pound model as is,then offering the standard and plus as an option.

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Very happy with this change! I was torn between the £3 and £10 plans before and the £5 plan makes the most sense for my situation. I get it, nobody like paying more money for a similar product but freetrade need to make money somehow and IMO this is the best solution :slight_smile:


But but but how much can you make investing 4k instead :))))

Your paying an extra 24 quid for no aparrent reason,unless you really want some of the plus stocks,(which i dont)

It is a wise business decision as it will encourage more people to transfer their Pensions. This will mean that the Assets Under Administration will increase. This will mean that it will be easier to show that the company is growing. This will mean it will be easier to get funding to scale/grow the business further.


Why not keep the 3 pound isa without plus stocks then?then add the standard 4.99 with plus?

Wouldnt a better move to keep everyone happy be to keep the isa at 3 pound,offer the standard with the plus stocks at 4.99?

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Ah thats good to know. Do you know what the diff is between now and that the US 500 includes?

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I think your comments are reasonable. You know what you want now you need to find a place to get those things. Everyone has to decide for themselves how they wish to spend their money and where to spend it.


Its like FT read my mind. I don’t mind paying more for access to extra stocks but £9 (old plus fee to get those) was too much. I’m happy to pay £5 to get unrestricted access to all the stocks.

But it seems for some having an ISA is more important than having access to more stocks.
Only time will tell how many customers switched because they can’t get an ISA at the price they could afford.

I think there is a place for £3 basic (limited stock universe) with ISA.

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Not sure of the full impact but I know I will be restricted on several positions I hold unless I upgrade.

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securities moving from basic to standard+ are listed in the spreadsheet

Freetrade Investment Universe - Google Drive

(@JVT just found it :point_up: )