Some biggies this week, very interested to see if Netflix can turn it around and where the big banks are coming in at. Also Tesla and Twitter is kind of fun to see.
It’s a fun week, Prologis will give a good insight into logistics and warehousing too.
Netflix for me also… Managed to average down nicely into my position … But me thinks I may get another opportunity after results.
Tesla will be interesting
Seagate for me. I’ve been really happy with how it’s performed for me. Quiet but reliable. I think these could be quite interesting results. I want to see how demand is holding up.
User growth/loss will be very interesting. I don’t know if we know how much the market has priced in either way.
Big week this week. What are people hoping for this week?
Could Coinbase do ‘an Uber’ and smash expectations? Will my favorite (not currently holding) Lemknade do anything useful?
What about the metaverse master Roblox?
Disney for me on Wednesday
BH, more just out of curiosity due how well known it is.
digital ocean will be interesting, but probably more of the same, earnings generally up every quarter. the competition are behemoths though. Do has an ease of use though that’s nice. But no idea how they’ll fair long term against the big three. Not that ive invested in them
no idea. crypto to me still seems all over the place. coinbase is popular though. if that returns in profitability…
Interest for me later in the week when the gambling companies like 888 and flutter report.