Monday Morning Milestones XIII - everything you need to know for the week ahead

Cheers @NeilB

I’ll be waiting to hear from Nvidia.

Yes Costo results will be interesting. Need that PE down a bit more :laughing:

Also Alibaba - indirect ETF holder.

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Couldnt resist a small fractional so I can keep my eye on it :laughing:


I’ve been contemplating dipping my toe in as well, was just way too expensive before!

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I think it still needs to come down a bit more, will see what happens after earnings. Hopefully I’ll get the opportunity to average down.

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Short look ahead at the week ahead. What are you looking at / away from this week? :eyes:

Monday morning will start with the Nationwide UK house price index followed mortgage approvals and consumer credit update. Will rising interest rates slow down house price growth? You can still get pretty cheap money on decent fixed terms so I’d expect to see this continuing to rise.

The US house prices comes out later in the day along with consumer confidence. It’s Memorial Day is the US so with markets closed they should hopefully have time to digest the news.

:uk: Earnings

Quiet this week with B&M Bargains (BME) & Pennon (PNN) being the only ones of note I saw, did I miss anyone?

:us: Earnings

Salesforce will give good insight into the SaaS world and wether retention rates can be maintained.

HP have a new shareholder in Berkshire Hathaway, maybe we’ll see what Mr Buffet et al liked so much about the company.

GameStop … Something something :rocket: something something hedgies.

Lulu Lemon - Down 24% YTD but still boasting a P/E for 39, it’ll be interesting to see if the expensive yoga pants making lockdown darling can deliver.

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Bark for me this week, hoping to see some improvement in the share price, as it’s taken a hammering recently. :service_dog::paw_prints::bone::dog::poodle:




Bark for me also, they have made some mega website improvements of late… Better flow.

I love the starwars & marvel range of toys!

If they can convert the toy box subscription buyers over to the actual ‘food subscriptions’ it’ll do well …

They had a very low churn rate previously… so will be interesting to see how they have faired in the current climate.

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My investment was up 30% a few months ago, wish I had sold and then bought again now but hindsight is a wonderful thing!

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I bought at peak… So dont beat yourself up about it x


Must be some DocuSign & NIO holders out there, let’s hope for good news this week.


Nothing here in my portfolio or watchlist but will have to avoid temptation to investigate “Ollie’s Good Stuff Cheap”.

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Must be the easiest job in marketing!

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Companies and things to keep an eye :eye: on this week -





13/06 - On the Market OTMP How does the UK property market look going forward?

14/06 - Trading statement from Bellway Homes BWY Looks for material costs and forward order book and then apply to most house builders.

15/06 - AO World AO. Closed their German operation, future guidance on supply chain troubles and inflation will be as key as the final results.

15/06 - Biffa - Speculation of a takeover sent the share price soaring, let’s see if the results justify the bids.

17/06 - Tesco TSCO trading statement from the largest food retailer in the country. Watch for margin pressures as the basket cost rises how much are they passing on the the customer?


:sauropod: :ok_hand:


Adobe for me this week, best find some cash incase it goes red.


Companies and things to keep an eye :eye: on this week -


Monday 20th - US Markets closed for the Juneteenth holiday weekend.

Wednesday 22nd 09:30am & Thursday 23rd 10am - Jerome Powell Head of the Federal Reserve gives his Semiannual monetary policy report to congress.


Tuesday 21st 7am Retail Price Index

Tuesday 21st 7am Consumer Price Index

Wednesday 23rd 07am Retail Sales Report

Slim pickings for UK companies this week, only high end developer Berkeley group are really of note.

:sauropod: :ok_hand:


I’ll be keeping be keeping an eye on Volex, it’s one of my larger holdings and I think good results could come through as a decent uptick. Imo the key is going to be their raw materials costs :grimacing:


A busy week ahead for earnings reports. It seems to stand to reason that there are going to be some earnings misses coming up, anyone who watches PE ratio closely might find some big swings coming up.

Nice write up from Proactive Investor


Wednesday innit

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It’s time to play everyone’s lease favourite game. It’s …


CPI inflation numbers for June are released on Wednesday, what do we think will be the number. Last month was 9.1%

  • <8.5%
  • 8.6% - 9.0%
  • 9.1% - 9.4%
  • 9.5% - 9.8%
  • 9.9%>

0 voters

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