Monthly statements are now in the app 🧾

Please can you show all transactions and not just positions in the month

Where exactly does it say “statements of interest” in the activity page? The filter button says monthly statement (which may not be ready yet) but can’t find anything else. I’m looking for the PDF not that csv stuff.

With the capital gains allowance being lowered in next tax year more people will need records like this. Screenshots of contract notes aren’t guaranteed to be acceptable to HMRC.

Hey @breakingbad we’ve just finished issuing tax certificates for the 2022-23 tax year (a few weeks ago). If you were issued with one it will be in the activity feed for your GIA. You should have gotten one if you had open positions in your GIA for that tax year. We’ll be issuing ones for the 23/24 tax year shortly after the start of the new tax year.


Just to add to this, we are looking to enhance the reporting coming your way for the next tax year, to address some of the tax points you had raised in your post.

Stay tuned!

somehow i recieved my GIA tax certificate twice. once on the 17th Jan then again on 24th Jan. i’m sure its the same document.