New Vanguard ESG Funds- June 2020 Launch

Developed Market ESG

Emerging Market ESG

Apologies if already requested.

Key points:

  • Two new ESG index funds, both with distribution & accumulation variants, targeting Emerging Markets and Developed Markets
  • Negative screening based, rather than pro-active support based
  • Now live, June 2020 launch

Would be great to have these on Freetrade app.

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Edited - Wrong channel.

Vanguard ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index Fund - Accumulation

Is there really a minimum investment of £1,000,000 into this fund?

Where did you get that screen from?

Many investment funds technically have high investment amounts, but if going through a broker such as Hargreaves or Freetrade then these minimum amounts usually don’t apply…

AJ BELL showing this, I’m not sure its correct though as 1mil entry for a vanguard fund is a bit steep.

Those links not working for me

But the ones I can find on the vanguard website look like unit trusts and oeics to me… so won’t be available on Freetrade



Are vanguard funds gbp hedged?

In general no, but the VAGP does employ a hedging strategy.

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