On Holding AG 🎾 👟 ($ONON) - Share chat

This is a Switzerland-based holding company which, through its subsidiaries, provides footwear and sports apparel. It is famously backed by tennis legend Roger Federer.


Hoping this stock gets added to FT asap, fantastic products and brand image


ONON - On Running. Roger Federer backed sports shoe and clothing company.

ON Running, the next Lululemon

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You have been warned:

Trying Federer’s ‘ON’ brand shoes WILL leave you £120 short in your bank account, because you WILL purchase a pair.

…and this is coming from somebody who has not purchased more than 3 pairs of shoes for £30 maximum over the past 5 years.

Somebody deep dive this stock pleaseee. I have also just returned from working the Adidas/BMW Berlin marathon event. This brand are quickly becoming feared by the main two legacy brands.

These are not regular high end shoes. They are foot masseuses posing as shoes :sweat_smile: INCREDIBLE feeling even days after your wore a pair, you still feel the effect of how superior they are.

Their colours are ideal. Their half-sizes are ideal. Their shipping is ideal. Their style is ideal. They are SUPER breathable. Their style even with waterproof is ideal. Their comfort is ideal.

This brand can sell purely by simply putting a pair on. Can only imagine the growth prospects should influencer marketing take off. Not that they even need influencer marketing. Physically try a pair on like the ‘Cloud Terry’ shoe and you’ll see…

Surely this is a possible needle in the haystack stock? Let’s see.

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I completely agree!

My local running shop started selling these a few years ago and so you could tell who’d been to see Wes. I though they were a gimmick because, they look like one, but my word! Light and cushion and durable they’re an amazing shoe!

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The shoes are so breathable. Something almost all other brands fail to create. These are amazing. No other words for them haha.

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I quote myself on picking out this needle in the haystack. Major growth stock for the decades to come, there’s a challenger in town.

Going to congratulate myself for the third time for discovering the needle in the haystack. Called out On Shoes as being my only growth stock for the decade. You’ll soon see why.

Bought some at $21.74. still haven’t noticed anyone in the UK either selling them or wearing them though… Should really Google where I could buy some. Anyone have a pair?

I’ve owned a pair, you see them being sold in sports shops over high street shops. One of the best pair of running shoes I’ve had. I felt they were a gimmick to start with but they lasted a long time and were very light

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