Paper share certificates

Hi All,

Is there a way to transfer existing paper certificates to Freetrade?

Kind regards,

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You can’t transfer in at the moment, it was on the roadmap so should be available in the future.

Do paper shares have a Crest number?

Thanks for letting us know that you’d like to have this option. It’d be great to hear a little bit more about what you’d use the certificates for once they were transferred?

Presumably to dematerialise the certificates into your Nominee Account and then reflect them on client accounts as holdings.

Most UK stockbrokers allow transfer in of paper or electronic holdings :clap:

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I’d also like to transfer (dematerialise) certificate shares into my freetrade account . They seem to be a very slow and expensive way to hold shares. Is this feature along way off? would it be better to start the process of changing from Certificate to electronic then sell and buy again inside freetrade.

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Yes that would be quicker, transfers aren’t on our roadmap yet.

I was given a paper certificate of shares from my mother which I would love to add to my account in Freetrade so I can keep track of the value and sell easily when the time comes. Rather than having to go into a bank to cash them out for a sometimes hefty fee.


There is also the use case of people subscribing to VCT yearly capital raises for which issuers always send share certificates.

Did this ever get done? I’d also like to transfer a share certificate in so I can sell when I want to. The company I hold shares for is listed as tradable in Freetrade. I hear that Hargreaves Lansdown used to do it but not any more due to the covid situation. Would be really usefull if Freetrade offered this.

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Apologies for reopening an old thread…

Is anyone aware if being able to transfer paper certified shares into a GIA features anywhere in the roadmap??

Enabling this would make subsequent transferring of holdings to the ISA much more simple, and without having to ‘Bed and ISA’ using a different provider. If necessary, FT could charge for the admin costs of the initial transfer of the certificates - while other platforms I’ve seen don’t appear to do this they then levy an ongoing % charge.

While only a small minority of investors will now presumably hold paper certificates, I’d guess some of them may be of relatively high value (via inheritance for example), and looking for a new home from which to move to a tax-free status, or simply just to manage more efficiently from the GIA.

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Is it possible to transfer in Share Certificates (e.g. from SAYE (Save as you earn) scheme)?

What is the process, time, etc.? Thanks

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I have an issued set of shares on paper which I want to cash out. How can I do this with FreeTrade? Or rather, can I do this with FreeTrade??

No, Freetrade don’t offer that service. Some larger legacy brokers might though.

I am very much interested if anyone got an answer for this…

Hi I was wondering is there anyway of getting a physical certificate for my shares?

I have some physical certificates for a very small amount of Lloyds bank shares I bought 5+ years ago. I’m looking to hold these electronically. FreeTrade have confirmed this isn’t something they can do - looks like an expensive process with other providers (c. £75 with other providers which significantly erodes the amount invested) Anyone got any other ideas for a sensible way to do this? At the moment I’m thinking of holding till 2025 - CSDR may require the administrator to transfer these into electronic form?

I’m missing some info there I think

You have Lloyd’s shares in certificates form and you want to transfer them into electronic form?

That’s easy. Any broker will usually do that for free.

It’s called an STD (a stock deposit) in Crest. You enter this STD, include your certificate and run it down to the Crest Euroclear office on Cannon Street. Used to do it all the time for my clients.

I’m sure you could find HL or someone will do that for you … but, yes, for a cost.

Lloyd’s even provides an electronic Corporate Sponsored Nominee so you can dematerialise your paper certificate into electronic form. See here

… then you transfer out of that CSN to FreeTrade electronically

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You cannot transfer paper certificates into Freetrade.

The simplest way to convert paper to online is to contact the Share registrar of the company that you have paper certificates for and have them converted. There will very likely be a charge for this service. Alternatively, there are many brokers that accept paper certificates … you should contact them for the details. You can then transfer them (free) to one of Freetrade’s service accounts.

Many SAYE schemes keep shares with a bank or directly with a registrar. Contact your SAYE scheme’s administrator to ask them if shares can be electronically transferred from the entity that holds shares. If so then get the details and contact who will do the transfer for you if it is possible.

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