Review of Freetrade for Android 😎 (Feedback & Testing)

Got the android beta up and running, was an absolute breeze to create account and link card from Santander. Placed and executed first order little different to what I am used too but very simple to place order very nice layout as well. So all good:grinning::money_mouth_face:

I think from my point of view I will need to get up to speed on the community as to what is going to be added to the app to give it cutting edge as far as buying is concerned eg. different markets as well as maybe exposure to cryptos.

Idea : has anyone ever thought of an option automated and set by account holder to create a backstop for peoples investments in the case of a market crash instant sell moving to gold or digital gold (BTC)

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Not sure BTC is a stable alternative

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Agree Its not that stable yet but the point of it would to stop your money being frozen if the crash was bad surprising what government’s get up to in situations like that.

What do they get up to? :thinking:

There have been crashes before crypto and the market has always recovered in time. Transferring seems counterintuitive for long term investing

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Yep true markets do recover in time But why not move temporarily to something like gold or BTC which would be moving up as a safe haven make money out of the downturn and buy back your investments at a lower rate win win as warren buffet would say.

Gold I can see the case for, or holding cash but crypto? Possibly a long way in the future

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If you have not yet be exposed to this I totally understand your point of view I have 2 portfolio’s trad and cypto and now here for past five years made a lot more from cypto with far less investment I like to be in both they are the same in so many respects after all behind every coin there is a company.

But think we are going off the real matter here which is all about Freetrade

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If you think the android app is going well then maybe take some time to review in the Google play store :wink: will help spread the word the app is going to be fully operation soon as testers are using it. Currently lots of 1* from people who couldn’t use the app previously.

Feel sorry they’ve missed out


Done my review on Google play to help freetrade get the word out. Come on people we need to get the score up I wouldn’t normally download a app that had a score below 4.So it may stop people downloading it.


Generally very happy, does what it says on the tin in terms of purchasing. Pleasantly surprised buying US stocks is nice and easy too :+1:

Agree with those saying default should be a freetrade and not instant.

Missing the £ to $ conversion rate on the little certificate in the activity screen. Seems just to convert to £ so will be hard to tell what’s a gain and what’s a currency exchange fluctuation.

I like spreadsheets as much as the next person but I can see I’m going to have to endlessly update Google sheets with my buy/sell records. That sort of thing should be fairly easy to do in the app, or at least an “export to csv” option needs to happen, pretty please :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


All, just to note that if you’re in beta mode for the app, leaving a starred review on the app store is currently private to the developer even though it looks similar to how you’d normally leave public feedback.

You’d have to leave the beta program to leave public feedback (I believe).

" * Portfolio - I second other opinions about removing available cash from the portfolio. I’d much rather just have the shares that I’ve bought."

To keep everyone happy in terms of showing the portfolio value why not sub total the value of the shares and then add the available cash for a grand total?


When looking at a recent purchase, the day increase is not the same as the increase shown in the 1D chart
 In this case it looks like the chart is not up to date

I would expect the 1D chart to show today’s performance and be current
 but it seems this is not always the case

This one’s a bit confusing - the percentage for the stock price graph is calculated based on the price when the market closed on the previous day, whereas the first point on the graph is today’s opening price.

We’re planning to improve this in the future!



Out of interest, how are the 1D charts produced? Is it dynamic when you open them? Or are they refreshed periodically? The Sirius Minerals chart has been updated remains incorrect

The 1D graph’s updated every two minutes. If you think you’ve spotted a bug in the chart then could you please message us in the app so that we can check on that for you?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Android is out :robot: share your thoughts once you’re up & running

We’ve finished testing the Android app now so share your feedback here - Android is out đŸ€– share your thoughts once you're up & running.