The Android app’s available for everyone today & there’s no more waitlist
You can see how the testers got on here, check out & vote for the #ideas that people have already requested here & let us know your feedback too
The Android app’s available for everyone today & there’s no more waitlist
You can see how the testers got on here, check out & vote for the #ideas that people have already requested here & let us know your feedback too
A post was split to a new topic: Switching from the Android Beta to the standard app
Hi, here is my beta testing feedback. Bit late to the party so apologies if all of these have already been said!!
Discover tab
Account details
-when I click on the account icon in the top right corner, I would prefer personal details such as my NI number to be partially hidden instead of clearly visibly so I don’t feel as nervous navigating around the app in public (on a train for example). Maybe you could just show the last 3 digits.
Portfolio tab
-topping up account it would be great to be able to make a payment from a debit card instead of having to do a bank transfer.
-topping up took less than an hour, and the notification that it had been completed was great.
-queued an order, very simple and easy process.
-second trade automatically changed order type to instant, adding a small charge. Would prefer it to be basic order as default but guess you guys need to make some money
-I might have missed it but couldn’t see any link back to the community within the app.
it would be great to have a watchlist feature to track companies I am thinking of investing in but not quite ready to do so yet. Otherwise have to resort to good ol’ pen and paper
it would be great to have a social component to it, where you could follow certain investors and read blogs and get tips etc. (although some of that might be covered by the community)
Overall super impressed with what you guys have achieved and after months of waiting I am not disappointed
That’s it, hope this helps!
I have just had a chance to use the app for the first time and came here to suggest some future changes. However, I think @plummerjdavid has succinctly covered all of the things I had in mind! I would though like to reiterate what others have mentioned before - biometric authentication would be great.
Up and running on the app, really easy to use and looks great. A few of my thoughts:-
When searching pressing enter goes to a new line. I know it’s a live search so you don’t need to press enter but it’s caught me out a few times
On the Portfolio page could we show an overall gain/loss in £ and %, and dates on the graph
Apologies if these have already been mentioned.[spoiler][/spoiler]
That took ages for me and in the end I had to send a photo of my passport and driving license.
Nice to know that there’s a deterrent for guessing the wrong PIN too many times! Time to setup my fingerprint
Great App, simple to use and easy to buy/sell.
Like the portfolio, account , discover sections.
Charts need some improvements it’s bit confusing, can be more interactive
Overall super app.
Really impressed with how slick and easy to use the app is. Haven’t initiated any positions yet so can’t comment on that aspect.
But very good first impression.
This has already been mentioned, a biometric authentication instead of passcode will be preferable.
It’s great to hear that you like the app so far!
I’ve got some good news for you
You can now login to the Android app with your fingerprint ☝
Other than a technical issue processing orders, which also affected iOS users, the app has worked nigh-on flawlessly for me over the past week or two.
However, two things stop me from giving it a five-star Play Store review: one, the punitive Isa pricing model and, two, the lack of securities on offer.
As others have mentioned, the app is perhaps too basic in its functionality as well. For me, the dream would be some sort of Webull-Freetrade love child!
@weenie wrote a very helpful review of the app, now that she (finally) has access
This is one of my favourite reviews. Thanks, @weenie!
Another thing I’m interested in, is seeing Freetrade added to Monevator’s broker comparison table – if I were a gambling woman, I’d put money on Freetrade being the cheapest!
We’ve emailed them to ask for inclusion, but that never happened. This is probably a time we need community members’ help: please email Monevator to have Freetrade included in the comparison table. We’d love to be there!
Thanks for sharing my review, @Freetrade_Team1
@Viktor - I believe the guys at Monevator were waiting for the app to be fully shipped before adding to their comparison table so I would say it should be added soon although as you say, a friendly reminder to them won’t do any harm!
Android app is awesome so happy to have it. Wish you could slide over the graph of a stock so you could see past prices like coinbase.
Congrats on the long anticipated release. Here are my thoughts:
the portfolio tab is confusing. Some positions appear on the plus, although they have gone down in the last session?!
the search function needs a filter also based on the share price. This is relevant especially until fractional share purchases become an option. Like if you have 10 pounds left to invest, you can’t consider Amazon, no matter how juicy that might sound.
an add to favourites or watchlist button
make the regular order default instead of the instant one. This is ‘freetrade’, right?
Well done so far! Excited for the future!
Given that you can only have one S&S ISA per tax year, I wouldn’t waste that chance on a broker that wasn’t comprehensive in terms of offering all listed shares, at least UK and US. I’m guessing the reason for the restriction is the cost of all the market data before you get critical mass. That’s the classic agency problem, but I won’t be paying in until it’s fixed.
I totally agree with this! Invested for the first time and just realised I paid for instant by mistake. Doh!
On the portfolio page, it would be nice to have more info, would like to see daily, weekly, monthly
gains and losses as percentage increase and in pounds and pence
Also, not sure why money I am holding as cash is showing in my portfolio total, I think it would be better just to show money I have invested on the portfolio page
need more stocks, wanted to buy some easy jet, but not available yet
need INSTANT bank transfers, I use sky sport betting app, any money i move into the sky sport betting app is available to use straight away