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It’s not just Freetrade. HL are the same

What’s the hold up here?

How convenient.

So guess I’m buying the top then :rofl: :neutral_face:

You will get in when it’s already made 50% +. Then it will fall.

Set it live now

When the f will it let me buy?

it keeps loading!!!

Still can’t buy tho sam… been waiting all day for this!

it is still not letting me buy!!!

It may take 2-3 mins to become available, but we set it live around 60 seconds after we saw the pricing come through.

Not live

Still can’t buy missing opportunity :pensive:

Live for me

That’s not live

It went live on the secondary market minutes ago, and within seconds we made it live!


My funds are taking ages to load on & the app seems to be glitching a wee bit :rofl: all those roblox fans watching! My 5yr old daughter is so excited that her mummy will ‘own’ Roblox :rofl: nice wait to get her interested in investing!

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buy button doesn’t seem to be working

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As I mentioned above, it may take another minute or so!

Was it tradable @ 62?